Bondage Unlimited

Bondage Unlimited by Tori Carson

Book: Bondage Unlimited by Tori Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Carson
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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for the most part, you’ve kept work and play separate. I’m sure you have your reasons for doing so.” He shifted his weight and looked a bit uncomfortable. “If your thinking has changed, we may need to make some modifications to your work schedule.”
    “I just asked for a couple of days off. What’s the big deal? I’ll be back on Friday.” She didn’t need this job, but she’d made friends here and didn’t want to jeopardize it either.
    “Eva, take the days. I was just talking about moving forward… Maybe we should have a server here at all times. That way, if you wanted to take a couple of hours of personal time during your shift, it wouldn’t be a problem. Pick a server you want to train. We trust your judgment.”
    Ted had certainly mellowed out since Meri had entered his life. Eva needed to send her a thank-you card. “Pete tended bar while in grad school. He’s offered to help out.”
    “I didn’t know that. I’ll talk to him.” Ted drummed his fingers on the counter, looking like he wanted to say more.
    “Get it off your chest, so we can move on here.” She really didn’t want an interrogation every time she came to the club.
    “Your day job is stressful. Your work at the center is even more so. Your time here is supposed to be fun and relaxing. This is supposed to add to your life, not become a burden. Take whatever time you need. Enjoy the amenities of the club and don’t feel guilty about it.”
    Damn it, now she was going to cry again. “Thanks, Ted. I’m going to run. Have a good night.” She patted his hand and headed back through the locker room.
    Eva smiled and waved goodnight to James and Amanda at the receptionist desk as she pretended to talk on her cell. They were good friends and deserved better than that, but she didn’t want to answer any more questions.
    She sat in her car and rummaged through her console until she found the CD. So many memories flooded her just holding the damn thing. Gio had recorded it for her a week before he’d left.
    Before she could chicken out, she shoved it into the player and turned it up. As soon as Gio’s voice came over the speakers, she started choking up. He had an amazing voice and could play the guitar like a pro. It had been so good she’d thought it had been a cover, that he’d sung someone else’s song. Eva hadn’t realized until a few years ago that he’d written it for her.
    Once she’d figured out he’d written the song, the words took on a whole new meaning. A love that was wrong and never meant to be . He’d been trying to tell her and she’d been too sheltered to understand. At the time, she’d assumed that it was a popular hit. Modern music wasn’t allowed to be played in her childhood home. She’d thought he’d chosen that song because it was in his range and it showcased his voice beautifully.
    Gio hadn’t been showing off his singing prowess. He’d been warning her, telling her in a song what he couldn’t say to her face.
    “Seeing life through an angel’s eyes, so grave are my sins.
    Already I’ve sooted her wings from the fire that burns within.
    My soul cries out.
    Where do I draw the line?
    I mustn’t let my burden destroy this love of mine.”
    Eva had always believed she had been his burden. She’d been wrong to urge him to teach. He was just so good with kids and his talents would have been wasted swinging a hammer his whole life. She should have realized back then what owning his own business meant to him, what a sense of accomplishment he must feel every time he pointed to a building with pride and was able to say “I built that.”
    She still didn’t understand what the song meant. There were so many ways to interpret it. Gio had mentioned ‘drawing a line’ that night at the wedding reception. He’d said introducing her to kink had been a line he couldn’t cross. Had Gio been trying to protect her?
    “Must my dreams like smoke fade away?
    Each time I stumble my angel must pay.
    Soon her

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