Bondage Unlimited

Bondage Unlimited by Tori Carson Page B

Book: Bondage Unlimited by Tori Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Carson
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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“I’d forgotten how rude I was back in college. It’s a wonder you put up with me.”
    “It helped that you never wore a watch and your cell was always dead,” she teased him.
    A few of the knots eased in his gut. She remembered small details about him as well. That had to mean something. “Proving people really can change.”
    Eva didn’t reply and was quiet for so long he wondered if their connection had been lost. “Are you still there, Eva?”
    “Yes, sorry.” She cleared her throat. “I had fun tonight.”
    “We need to talk. I’m really not comfortable with your decision to refuse aftercare. Sub drop is serious and as our scenes intensify, the likelihood increases. It’s really not safe, Eva.” He needed her to see reason on this issue.
    “I told you, it’s a hard limit. Don’t push me on this.” She sounded angry.
    Fuck! He couldn’t bulldoze his way through a hard limit. “Why, Eva? I respect your decision, but I’d appreciate the courtesy of knowing why.”
    He wasn’t going to get her past this unless she opened up to him.
    She was quiet again then let out a long sigh. “Gio, I can’t go there right now.”
    Eva was tying his hands as surely as if she had cuffs. “Tell me something. Is this a standing hard limit or something that only applies to me?”
    “I’ve tried it. It’s just not my thing.”
    Gio pictured Eva shrugging as if it wasn’t a big deal, but her voice was strained.
    “I’m not buying it, Eva. If it wasn’t a trigger, you’d be able to talk about it.” He really wished they were in person. Gio wanted to see her face, monitor her body language.
    “If administering aftercare is necessary to you, then I guess we’ll have to void our arrangement.”
    He couldn’t gauge how she felt about that possibility. It sounded a little like she was relieved. He refused to believe it. Yes, he’d screwed up big time, but he knew they were meant to be together.
    “Eva, I’m your…Dom. I’m here for you and I’m willing to ignore my needs for the time being, if you promise you’ll tell me why this is a hot button for you.” He felt like he was trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. Unless she gave him something to work with, she was going to slip through his fingers and he’d only have himself to blame.
    “Not right now, Gio. Give me some time to think about it?” she asked quietly.
    “Okay, we’ll talk about it later. Did I push you too hard this evening? Are you sore?” As long as they were scening together, he still had a chance at fixing this.
    “I didn’t think I could have that many orgasms back to back. After the second one, I was ready to quit. When you told me to safeword or suck it up, it was the catalyst I needed to hang in there.”
    He needed to hold her. He didn’t want to do this over the phone, damn it. “You’re stronger than you think. Was there anything you don’t want to do again? Anything you’re having second thoughts about?”
    She chuckled. “I’m having second, third and fourth thoughts about all of it, but I’d gladly do it all again.”
    “You’re probably going to be sore, Eva. A bath will help.”
    “I’m fine, Gio. You don’t need to worry about me.” She was growing more distant.
    “Eva, I do worry about you. Telling me not to is like telling me not to breathe.” He hoped his admission wouldn’t send her running. “Did you finish grading the papers?”
    “I still have a few to go.”
    “What grade level did you settle on?” In college she hadn’t been sure what age she wanted to teach.
    “Gio… This isn’t a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. This is just sex. I don’t want you to play any part of my daily life. I know some Doms step in and help subs add structure to their lives, but I don’t need that, nor will I allow it. Please respect my wishes.” She was using her ‘all business’ voice.
    “So if we encounter each other at a restaurant, I’m supposed to act like I don’t know you?” Now he was getting

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