Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) by Samantha Clarke

Book: Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1) by Samantha Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Clarke
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dismay, there stood Heather, so scantily clad that she could have been sent home for violating the dress code, with a smug look on her face.
    “What do you want?”  Samantha grumbled, looking away.  She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and wanted to avoid as much conflict as possible.
    “I just wanted to see how your poor back was doing,” Heather replied mockingly as she looked Samantha up and down.  Her eyes landed on a decent sized hickey on Samantha’s collar bone, and Samantha quickly readjusted her sweater to cover it up.
    “Its fine,” Samantha snapped, “No thanks to you.”  She shifted from one foot to the other, Heather’s judgmental gaze making her uncomfortable, “Why do you care?”
    “Does it really make a difference?”  Heather continued to mock her.
    “I wouldn’t know, I’m not in that twisted head of yours.  But, seeing as how we’re having this nice little chat, how’s anger management going?”  Samantha smiled sweetly and raised her eyebrows.
    Heather huffed and rolled her eyes, “Shut it, Omega.”
    Samantha growled and pointed at Heather, using her left hand, completely forgetting that she was wearing the engagement ring, “Listen here, you’re not my superior, so don’t you dare speak to me like that.”
    Heather roughly grabbed Samantha’s hand, her face turning a shade of pink and her eyes filling with anger.  The emotion quickly vacated her eyes as quickly as it came and she laughed, “An engagement ring?  Ha!  What, do you guys plan on having an open marriage or something?”  Heather smirked, “Because sweetie, you may have that hickey and that ring, but Riley spends more time with me than you.”
    Samantha pulled her arm away from Heather’s grasp and shoved her hand into her pocket, “Do you have a ring on your finger?  Hmm, let me see.  You don’t.  So, I would suggest that you keep your mouth shut and stay away from my boyfriend.”
    “Which one?  Riley?  Or Kedar?”  Heather’s smirk widened and Samantha’s face fell.
    She felt the heat rushing to her face as fury bubbled up in her chest, “He… Kedar isn’t my boyfriend,” She began as her cheeks became increasingly redder.  She wasn’t sure why she was so defensive of her relationship with Kedar, but she didn’t have time to ponder it, “He’s just a great friend.  But even if he was my boyfriend he’d be too good for a skank like you, so I wouldn’t worry.”
    Heather laughed again, “Oh, honey.  I think you need to reconsider how well you know the men in your life.  Kedar can’t keep his dick to himself.  If you’re going to call anyone a skank, it should be him.  As for Riley, well, let’s just say that we’re closer than you think, dearie.”
    Samantha was fuming.  She shoved Heather into the lockers and got in her face, standing on her toes so she was at eye level with her, “Alright, you little cunt, I don’t care how you know Kedar, but he’s a great man, so I better not hear you disrespect him like that again, got it?  And you keep your filthy little paws off Riley, otherwise we are going to have some serious problems…”  The late bell ran, so Samantha stepped away from Heather and stormed away.
    By the time lunch rolled around, Samantha’s new engagement ring was the talk of the school.  She didn’t like the attention, but it was the least of her worries.  She couldn’t get a word that Heather had said out of the back of her mind.  It bothered her, a lot, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Riley was with Heather when she wasn’t around.
    The bell for third lunch – Samantha’s lunch – rang and she made her way to the cafeteria.  She saw Riley and walked over to him, her hands stuffed in her pockets.  He hastily wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, burying his face in her hair.  Samantha took a step back and looked down at her feet.
    “Can we talk before going to sit with the pack?”  She whispered, unable to

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