Blonde and Blue

Blonde and Blue by Trina M Lee

Book: Blonde and Blue by Trina M Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trina M Lee
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to meet them in a public place.” A small smile played about Arys’ lips. “They chose neutral ground because all they want to do is talk. This time. I have a feeling they are looking for ways to deal with us without it becoming a power struggle. Which is why they targeted Lena. They weaken you because of an emotional tie. They don’t need to have more power than us to do that.”
    “Can’t argue with that logic.” Shaz ran a hand through his platinum hair. “I’d do the same thing.”
    I nodded and paced a few feet away then back again. “So would I. But, Lena has nothing to do with this. It’s not fair.”
    “Anything to make you squirm, my dear. The biggest mistake you can make right now is to show fear. And, don’t even think of rushing over to Lena’s. I guarantee they have someone watching her in case you do.” Arys glanced at the address on the photo. “We’ll meet them and settle this. Don’t worry about Lena.”
    “Shit! That’s three days away still.” I wanted to punch something. The wall wouldn’t be satisfying enough. I couldn’t hurt it.
    Arys was utterly calm, the polar opposite of the storm of panic and rage swirling inside me. “They want to draw it out so you agonize about it. Don’t bother. They won’t do a damn thing yet. We’ll meet them. They’ll toss threats and demands at us, and we’ll kill them. Or, something like that.”
    A door creaked open down the hall, and I knew without looking it was Kale’s. Both Arys and Shaz turned toward the sound. I waited, sensing Kale’s approach though he moved in graceful silence. I shielded hard, unwilling to touch the metaphysical fire that warmed me as he drew near.
    “What’s going on?”
    Arys passed him the photo, and I held my breath, waiting for Kale’s reaction. I was relieved to see that he wasn’t strung out on a blood binge. He peered at both sides of the picture, and a frown furrowed his brow.
    “I’m coming with you.” Kale’s tone left no room for argument.
    I nodded but said nothing. Instead I called Jez. “Do me a favor Jezzy? Call Lena and make small talk. Just make sure she answers and she’s safe. Don’t let on that you’re checking up on her. I’ll call you back in a bit and fill you in.”
      After hanging up, I let my gaze travel over the guys. I found it easiest to make eye contact with Shaz. “Alright. Monday at midnight we meet them.”
    “What about Lena?” Shaz asked with a growing fire burning in his jade eyes. “Someone should stake out her place.”
    “They’ll have someone watching her, to make sure you show.” Arys was looking particularly smug. I shook my head so that my hair fell over the bite on my neck.
    I felt the weight of Kale’s gaze upon me. His expression revealed nothing when he said, “I’ll go to Lena’s.”
    That thought didn’t sit well with me. I cut the conversation short. “We’ll talk about it later. I have to call Jez back, and if I don’t go for a run soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”
    With a curt nod, Kale handed me the photo and retreated to his room. I knew he had someone waiting for him in there, and I wanted to vacate the hall right away. The smirk pasted on Arys’ face didn’t fade as he and Shaz followed me back into the club.
    Shaz headed back to the lobby, calling back to me, “Be careful. I’ll see you at home soon. Or Kylarai’s. Let me know where you’ll be.”
    I blew him a kiss and turned to Arys with a sigh. “I need to go home. I assume you have other things in mind.”
    “Go run; I feel your wolf pacing inside me.” With a gentle touch, he caressed the side of my face. “I’ll stick around for a bit after you leave. I can’t take much more of this place. It’s painful. So many lovely treats that are to be tasted but never truly feasted upon. It’s a tease is what it is.”
    “Yeah, yeah. Willing victims are such a pain in the ass, huh?” I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove.
    “Willing victim … that’s

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