Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale

Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale by Dawn Robertson, Jo-Anna Walker

Book: Uncomplicated: A Vegas Girl's Tale by Dawn Robertson, Jo-Anna Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Robertson, Jo-Anna Walker
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thought a moment before a slow smile spread on her face. “I always wanted to be an actress.”

    When Mathis told me he was involved in illegal business dealings, I wasn’t all that surprised. The lavish lifestyle was more than a man who grew up poor, and invested in a couple clubs could provide. There was something off and even though he promised that it would come to an end, I worried.
    I worried about him and myself. I worried about our new relationship and the fact that whether or not I liked it, I was now a target to anyone who knew we were married. I also had the fact that despite being out of business myself, I had clients. A long list of clients who were still blowing up my phone for the opportunity to spend a night with me or one of my girls. One of my girls . Girls that I didn’t have.
    Thoughts churned around in my mind about becoming the newest Heidi Fleiss. I could pull it off. I knew enough women who were working for asshole pimps who occasionally beat the living shit out of them. With Dean’s help, and my own security team I could buy their freedom.
    Would it be completely outrageous to ask my husband to help me? Probably, but as a businessman, he could see where I was coming from. Not like we were some kind of Leave it to Beaver couple anyway. It was a business investment. A sound one at that, especially in Las Vegas.
    His study door was closed as I paced back and forth, thinking about how to approach him. Since his brother and some Italian Joe Schmo cornered him three days ago, he had been on edge. Although they had not made their move yet. At least on me. It was only a matter of time before they did.
    Just as I was growing the lady balls to knock on the door, it slid open, and there he stood. Glasses on, wildly messy hair, and his tie undone hanging haphazardly around his neck. He was a gorgeous, stressed, disaster. But, I knew I had to get it out now or forever hold my tongue on this idea.
    “Everything okay, Jenny?” his voice was quiet, smooth, and loving.
    It made my body vibrate with want, and need for his touch more than ever.
    “I wanted to talk to you about something business-related .” I slowly pushed him back into his office, holding onto his hand and directing him into the expensive leather chair we had the opportunity to christen last night after a series of long and stressful phone calls he endured.
    “I am not sure I like where this is going,” he mumbled as I pushed him back into the chair.
    “Nothing to be worried about, love. Everything is fine. I just had an idea I wanted to run by you, since of course, you are my husband. Isn’t that what couples are supposed to do? I am not used to this whole marriage shit, but I am pretty sure I am right.” I ramble when I get nervous. I wondered if he had picked up on that yet. I was rambling and my heart began to race.
    “Spit it out, Jenny!” his tone became clipped and I knew he was in a mood. I moved backwards and planted my ass on his desk, crossing my legs and anchoring my elbow on my knee. Posing with my chin in my hand I finally just got to my point.
    “I wanna become a Madame.”
    “You want to... WHAT?” his voice boomed, and his eyes darkened.
    Shit. I was in trouble. Maybe this was a bad idea. But damn it, I don’t want to be one of those stuffy rich housewives. This is my life too!
    “Hear me out before you go all alpha fuckin’ cave man on me, Mathis! It is a good fucking idea!” I wanted him to give me a fair shot, but I was wondering if that will even be an option when he rolls his eyes at me. I wanted to slap him across the face every time he did that. Maybe a good slap would fix the problem he was clearly having with his eyes. Asshat.
    “Listen, I know a lot of working girls. Many still work for nasty asshole pimps. They would absolutely love to work for someone like me. I have a huge client list, you know as well as I do my client line is still blowing up. This could work out

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