BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Billionaire's Hunt (A Dark New Adult Romance with Billionaire) (Contemporary New Adult Short Stories)

BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Billionaire's Hunt (A Dark New Adult Romance with Billionaire) (Contemporary New Adult Short Stories) by Deborah Ericsson

Book: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Billionaire's Hunt (A Dark New Adult Romance with Billionaire) (Contemporary New Adult Short Stories) by Deborah Ericsson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Ericsson
some beings who were more advanced that they are to the point that they are prey.
    Plenty of holocausts had happened thanks to the humans trying to finish off the vampires and thanks to their numbers and now their latest technology, they were winning. And despite the fact that he had lots of money, it wasn’t going to help him against the angry mob. His heart was heavy and for a moment, he almost didn’t want to leave. The plane was ready and the pilot had to come out and ask him if it would be possible for them to leave as soon as possible.
    He nodded. But he remained in his custom Rolls Royce car for a moment or two as though he was rethinking his decision.
    The worst thing about having to start over was the fact that you had to make new friends, get a brand new identity and needless to say, the entire process was just too much for a vampire to bear. He tried to adjust his sunlight ring like he always did, trying his level best to ensure that every single thing was going on according to plans so that he could leave.
    And it was at that point that his other stretch limo got through the gate of the airport. The only other person who had the keys to that car was peter. And as far as he was concerned, he had left the car with him and so he didn’t understand why he would want to join him in.
    And so the car pulled up short and peter came out of the front door, and then from the other side, came the one person that she didn’t expect at all – Joyce. He knew that it was peter’s idea since he didn’t want to talk to him. But it was Joyce who made a point of running all the way to where he was and knocked on the door.
    “Hey, I love you and I don’t want you to go. Please, stay with me. Please.”
    “But I thought you had gone to tell on me. I am a vampire and I can be a health hazard.”
    “I hate violence, and I didn’t know why you had to do what you had to do. But peter told me everything and how you got here. You were doing that to protect me. Yesterday I was crushed, thinking that love is blind. And for the most part, it is blind. But love is also forgiveness. That is the small part that makes love worth it.”
    Mike couldn’t remember the last time that he shed a tear, but from the look of things, there was nothing he could do to stop that one notorious drop that was pushing itself past his lashes. And the moment he blinked, the floodgates opened.
    Of course he had been a monster for a while now. But in the end, he figured that there was some human left in him to love and be loved. And he had decided to cling on that human side of himself for as long as possible since it kept him going. And now that all of that was being treated, he didn’t know what he was going to do for a moment.
    But eventually, things just worked out and now things were going back normal.
    Peter was a true friend who had never forgotten how mike had come to his rescue many, many times over. And in as much as mike would have wanted to thank him, peter wasn’t planning on accepting his thanks. It was something he just had to do and he knew that if they had traded places, mike wouldn’t have hesitated to do the same for him.
    “Hey, you can always hug and kiss in the comfort of your homes. We are in an airport for crying out loud. And just in case you haven’t noticed, my vampire balls are freezing!!!”
    Peter had complained, and it was then that they realized that it was indeed very cold for them to stay at one place. So they made a point of driving away. The future was very promising and both mike and Joyce couldn’t wait to see what it had in store for them. After all these years, it seemed as though the nightmare of the merchant of death had come to an end and thankfully, a happy one.


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