Biker Faith

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Book: Biker Faith by Ellie R Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie R Hunter
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her, I would broach the subject. She was adamant at first that she would rather leave than go, but as the day wore on and I continued to arouse her, she eventually agreed. I promised I would never leave her side while we are down in the bar and that nailed it.
    I was thinking she must have changed her mind again as she’s been in the bathroom for over an hour now and I can’t hear no movement from behind the door.
    “Everythin’ okay in there?” I call, knocking on the door.
    “I’ll be out in a minu te,” she called back.
    I wanted to sit and wait but I couldn’t stand still. Tonight is a big night, I haven’t said anything to Bonnie about taking responsibility over her, hoping she never has to know. I am so wrapped up in my own head that I don’t hear the door unlocking and opening.
    “I’m ready ,” she says quietly.
    I turn and look at her and I am knocked over. Her hair is down and flowing in soft, s hiny curls. Her skin is flawless, her eyes blackened from makeup instead of bruises. Her outfit clinging to her shapely body in all the right places, her skirt a bit too short for my liking. It doesn’t matter if my brothers trust her or not, they will still get an eyeful of her legs and ass. The height of her heels still make her shorter than me, but they give the illusion her legs are much longer than normal.
    She is simply fucking stunning.
    Compliment her, I tell myself, she is waiting for a compliment!
    “You look nice ,” I cringe.
    Nice? She is mor e than fucking nice. Hot, sexy…oh so fucking sexy. I’m getting hard just looking at her.
    Come on Sparky, pull yourself together. I take hold of her hand and open the door before I change my mind and keep her locked up in my room for the remainder of our lives.
    The music is already filtering up the stairs. No doubt our late arrival will not go unnoticed.
    I know my brothers, how they think and how they can be hard but only for a good reason. All Bonnie has seen is the hard side of them. Her rigidness in my hold tells me she is only walking forward because I am guiding the way.
    If the music wasn’t so loud I’d bet I would be able to hear her heart beating against her chest.
    “Relax,” I tell her, close to her ear.
    She doesn’t.
    Heads turn as we come to the bottom of the stairs, eyes shooting to our clasped hands. I take an extra moment to stare down each of my brothers, silently telling them what is happening. My claim on Bonnie is well and truly out in the open. They nod back in understanding and return to their drinks and conversations.
    Barbie is last to spot us, probably because she was too wrapped up in Cas to have noticed. When she does, she comes straight over, beaming a smile a mile wide and greets Bonnie in a hug. I keep hold of Bonnie’s hand and start to push her and Barbie towards the bar.
    “Cas said you might be coming down tonight. You lo ok hot girlfriend,” Barbie said, excited she finally has her friend down in the bar.
    “Sparky didn’t give me much of a choice ,” Bonnie winked, giving my hand a slight squeeze.
    One of the new prospects came over with three beers and the girls began chatting.
    I sit on the stool next to the girls and ignore Jilly’s scowl from across the room. Pope catches my eye and raises his eyebrows, questioning me about Bonnie. I give him one nod and he accepts her. Everyone here knows me to the bone, and like I hoped, they have taken my word and will now accept Bonnie. Slade shakes his head, assuming I am thinking with my dick instead of my head and laughs it off. And good old Oak, he remains at the other end of the bar holding his glass up, wishing me luck, as if I am going to need it.
    By the time I return my attention to Bonnie and Barbie, Bonnie is feeling more relaxed leaning against me. She drained her first beer and is half way through her second, so that might be why.
    Since Cas became president, brothers from other chapters have been dropping in and out regularly so tonight the bar is

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