you hearin’ me?’ I feel the bile rise to my throat as Tommy’s voice pops through my head.
“Or I can choose something to do? ” he asked, warily.
“You choose ,” I say.
I know he is nothing like my brother, T ommy, or the Ghost Riders. Even in the short time I have been here, I can tell women have choices. The way Cas is with Alannah, so loving and protective. Running to her rescue when my father had her prisoner like a knight in shining armour, loving her to the point he shot his way through my father’s club to save her. In a weird sort of way it makes them all that more intimidating. If I had suggested somewhere to go and he didn’t agree, I would have been mortified.
He bends over the bed and lightly gives me a kiss before leaving the room.
I couldn’t give a fuck what my brothers think. They don’t trust one part of Bonnie but they are about to, I’m going to make sure of it. For that, there is only one thing I can do to make that happen.
Cas isn’t in his office or in the bar. I track him down in the garage working on his bike with Barbie chatting away to him. He spots me heading towards them and frowns, it’s because if I am here then it means Bonnie is on her own.
“Hey Barbs, I need a word with my prez,” I tell her. If she hears what I am about to say, God knows what conclusions she will jump to.
“Is Bonnie okay?”
“She’s fine, I just need a word, I promise,” I assure her, and she leaves reluctantly.
“What’s up?” Cas asks, getting up to his feet and grabbing a rag to wipe his hands.
“I’m here to tell you I ’m makin’ a claim on Bonnie, I’m taking full responsibility over her. I don’t want a time limit on her stay here.”
There, I’ve said it now. He stands there motionless, his mouth moving to speak but nothing is coming out.
“I know what I’m doin’,” I add, when the silence becomes humiliating.
“I ain’t sure you do brother. If you’re wrong about her and she does fuck us over, you know what will happen to you,” he said, full of concern.
I do know what will happen if she fucks us over. My responsibility over her will cost me my place in the club, or depending on the situation it could cost me my life. Affectively, my making a claim on her tells my brothers my trust in her is solid, that they can trust her and if anything goes wrong, then I will handle her and take the blame.
“I’m not wrong about her, I wouldn’t lay a claim on her if I had any doubt ,” I urged.
He walks over to his pack of cigarettes and lights one up. I’m hoping the trust he has in me as his brother is as strong I think it is and he trusts what I am asking for is right.
“Something’s happened between ya both since yesterday, hasn’t it?” he asks.
“You could say that ,” I mutter.
“The guys were right, she’s got you actin’ crazy. You’ve never once took responsibility over anyone apart from the club. This is risky and I don’t like it brother. I don’t hide it that I don’t trust her…but, havin’ said that, I trust you. I just hope you do know what you’re fuckin’ doin’.”
With Cas agreeing to this, the club will have no choice but to keep their mouths shut.
“Just a suggestion. I f she’s gonna be stayin’, I think she should leave your room a lot more. Maybe that way, we can see what you do in her,” he added.
It isn’t going to be easy getting her to spend time in the bar or around the other guys, but Cas is right. The only way for them to begin to trust her is to meet her properly and what better than tonight’s party?
“ Thanks brother.”
“Don’t thank me yet, you gotta a lot to prove with her. It might take more than my approval with the others,” he said, going back to work on his bike.
It took a lot of persuading to convince her to go to tonight’s party. I mainly achieved this by working her body over into submission. When she was at her weakest for me to touch certain parts of
Amy Belding Brown
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Robert Charles Wilson