devil 03 - tween hearts fire and devils delight

devil 03 - tween hearts fire and devils delight by sam cheever

Book: devil 03 - tween hearts fire and devils delight by sam cheever Read Free Book Online
Authors: sam cheever
Tags: Romance
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running out for me to fix whatever was happening. And before I could fix it I had to know what it was.
    Feeling suddenly very tired, I made myself a cup of hot, black coffee and sat down at the table of the old-fashioned kitchen. What I wouldn’t give to be able to talk to Myra right at that moment. I couldn’t believe I actually missed her cranky, bossy self.
    I wondered how things were going with her difficult but important little Catholic girl and suddenly wished that I knew what role the girl would play in the future. That thought made me realize that, if I didn’t get my shit together, the girl wouldn’t have a future.
    Sighing wearily, I lowered my head to the table, just to rest my eyes for a moment and promptly fell asleep.
    * * * * *
    This time we walked along my street. Around us humans fought and maimed and committed wholesale destruction on everything in their path but somehow we moved through them without being touched.
    The mist surrounded us like a living, breathing thing. It seemed to pulse and roil with the violence in the street. A low level moan filled the air, joining with the sound of death around us to create a terrifying backdrop for our stroll through hell on Earth. I decided the moaning sound must be coming from the mist.
    Bloodied bodies on the ground flew away from my feet as I strolled forward, wondering at the quiet pleasure that rode in every line of my companion’s form.
    “You enjoy their pain.”
    He turned to me, his face still unclear but somehow giving me the impression of cold, impossible beauty. Yes .
    “You enjoy destruction.”
    He shivered as if overcome with lust. Ah yes.
    I walked on, wondering that I could calmly walk beside the monster of all monsters.
    Have you decided to join me?
    “I won’t change my mind.”
    Ah but you might.
    “I won’t.”
    He shrugged.
    A woman’s body flew past my head, she was screaming and most of her front teeth were missing from her bloodied mouth. I shook my head.
    “I can’t let you do this.”
    He laughed, the sound rich and vibrant in the ugly surroundings. I am the Power of Darkness, the Son of the Morning, the Roaring Lion.
    “The Swine, the Murderer, the Liar.”
    He chuckled. Yes, I have been called all those things. But I prefer my list.
    I snorted, “I’ll bet you do.”
    We left the street behind and moved into the countryside. The sun above my head was fat and round and filled with heat. It beat down onto the top of my head, bringing warm memories of childhood days spent in play. I pushed my face upward, enjoying the heat.
    You will have no choice you know. I have begun to call the conduits and they will all come. Even you.
    The heat drew fat beads of sweat from my skin. Moisture rolled down my back and arms. My tongue grew thick with thirst.
    “I am not your conduit for evil. This is something I would never condone, let alone help you pull off. The human race has a right to exist.”
    No, he laughed. They do not. They are weak and stupid. I have need of their destruction.
    I cocked my head at him, feeling my skin burning where the sun’s unnatural heat throbbed against it. “Why?”
    He shrugged, Because I said so.
    I shook my head, I’d always hated when my mother had said that. “Not good enough, Unclean Spirit.”
    He wrinkled his perfect nose. I particularly dislike that one.
    I shrugged. “Deal with it.”
    * * * * *
    I woke up to Flick poking me on the arm. I raised my head from the table and peered at him through bleary eyes, blinking rapidly to clear the sleep from them.
    His face looked like something that had rested at the bottom of a salt ocean for about a year, all bloated and pasty. “Bluerg! I’m still asleep and having a nightmare.”
    He fake smiled at me. “Aha, aha. You ready?”
    Sighing, I nodded and gave him my hand.
    * * * * *
    She was seated cross-legged, hovering above the floor. Her arms rested on her knees, palms up and her head was laid back. Her eyes were closed. She

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