Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series

Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series by Simone Holloway

Book: Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series by Simone Holloway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Holloway
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looked like a tire iron. The second man shied back away from the third, obviously afraid of being hit.
    Amy looked on in shock. Why was there a man locked in her trunk? And why was this man attacking Hunter? The answers soon revealed themselves when the mysterious stranger stepped towards Amy. It was Patrick.
    Amy wanted to run to him, but the second man lunged at Patrick, swinging his flashlight.
    The man reached inside his coat, searching for what looked like a gun. Amy froze, unable to scream or move. Patrick acted quickly. He hit the man’s face, then the back of his legs, forcing him to his knees.
    Patrick reached inside the man’s coat removed the gun, and hit the man in the face with the barrel, knocking him unconscious. Without hesitation he kicked the man to the side, pushing his body into the ditch.
    Patrick threw open the car door and jumped inside. Amy wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. He held her tight.
    Amy began to shake, the shock of the crash was finally catching up to her. She wanted Patrick to hold her and never let go, but they needed to leave. He released her and pulled out the car keys from his pocket. Amy felt confused. Before she could ask any questions Patrick was starting the car and driving away from the scene.
    “Are you okay?” he asked.
    “I’m pretty far from okay,” she answered honestly.
    He took her hand and held it as they sped through the night. Amy was unsure of their destination.
    “What happened back there?” she asked.
    “After the line went dead I got in the car and headed towards Jack’s. When I saw your car on the side of the road… I don’t know what came over me. I just reacted. Hunter and his pal were in the process of moving your body into the ditch. At first, I thought you were dead.”
    Patrick swallowed hard. He suddenly turned down a side street and stopped the car.
    “Like I said, I just reacted. I stopped my car and went after them. There was a third man who took me by surprise- cold-cocked me from behind. He took my car and left; Hunter and the other man locked me in your trunk.”
    Amy took his hand. She was still confused about Hunter’s plans. Did he think he could kill the two of them and still pull off the merger?
    “I think Hunter was planning on holding us hostage,” Patrick said, as if reading her mind. “Forcing, or forging, my signature on the contracts; waiting until the deal was finalized, then quietly disposing of the two of us.”
    Amy wrapped her arms around Patrick and buried her face in his chest. He rested his head against hers and rubbed her back slowly. His touch was so soothing that for a moment Amy almost felt safe. Her shame however, kept her from getting too comfortable.
    Hunter had threatened her in the past, but she now realized that deep down she didn’t take the situation seriously. A part of her thought of this as a game.
    Her mind couldn’t handle the idea of Patrick dying. It was too much. She foolishly wanted to believe that they would win and Hunter would quietly disappear, chastened by defeat.
    Now, for the first time, she understood the gravity of the situation. They had almost died and they may not make it through the night.
    With the urgency of a condemned woman, Amy grabbed Patrick’s face and pulled it down to hers. She kissed him hard; he offered no resistance.
    Their kisses were feverish and hungry. She felt as if they were drowning, but his warmth and strength could save them both.
    The car was small and cramped, but Amy managed to climb on top of Patrick. She pulled at his zipper, freeing his cock. It slid inside her fast and hard. They fucked with a frenzied passion. They pushed and pulled at one another, looking more like fighters than lovers.
    The windows steamed.  Amy reached out to brace herself, leaving a blurred handprint on the fractured glass.
    She fucked Patrick harder. Her hips

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