Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling

Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
Chapter 1
    This might be the first night of my first (and only) honeymoon, but as I walk onto the private jet my new husband has rented for the occasion and run my fingers along the smooth vanilla-colored leather of the seat next to me, I am absolutely positive that this is the best honeymoon in the world. Not even a Kardashian could top this. I mean, yeah they’re all vastly more wealthy than Jace and I will ever be, but there’s one thing I have that the Kardashian clan doesn’t.
    Jace Adams.
    I plunk down into one of the six massive seats on the jet. I’m still in my wedding gown and once my body sinks into the plush chair, exhaustion overtakes me.
    “This chair must be straight from heaven because it is so freaking comfortable,” I say, closing my eyes and running my hands up and down the armrests. Jace sits in the chair across from me, swiveling until our feet touch. “No sleeping just yet, Mrs. Adams,” he says, smiling when he calls me by my new last name. “You have to choose our first destination so we can tell the pilot where to take us.”
    Did I mention that Jace has carved out three entire weeks from his work schedule so that we can spend a full twenty one days traveling around the country, doing whatever we want as we celebrate our wedding? Yeah, because that’s currently happening. Suck it, every other honeymoon ever.
    I toss my head back and look at the ceiling of the jet, squishing my lips to the side of my mouth while I try to think of a place to go. Up until a few moments ago, our honeymoon destination had been a secret because Jace was wanting to surprise me. I figured he had planned a trip to a beach resort or something, but as usual, what he actually planned far exceeded my expectations. He rented the jet, which came with his long time pilot friend, and gave me the reigns. Now, fear overwhelms me as I struggle to think of somewhere to go. When you have the entire country as an option, it’s hard to choose.
    Finally, I get an idea.
    “Los Angeles!”
    Jace’s head tilts to the side quizzically. “LA? Why?”
    I shrug. “Well, when we went to visit your parents, I had all these visions of going to LA and seeing the Hollywood sign and stuff, and then we didn’t do that at all because they lived in San Francisco.”
    “And you had absolutely no knowledge of the geography of the state of California,” Jace says with a laugh. “LA isn’t really as cool as it looks in the movies, but, if that’s where my wife wants to go…”
    I nod enthusiastically. “Please, can we? I want to see some celebrities!”
    Jace laughs and then walks up to the front of the plane, sliding open a door to the cockpit. “Take us to LA,” he says, followed by, “Yep. That LA.”
    When he returns, he leans over and gives me a kiss before taking his seat again. “What did that mean?” I ask, referring to his conversation with Christopher, our pilot.
    “He just flew in here from LA, so he thought it was funny that I told him to go right back there,” Jace says. He yawns, which makes me yawn, too. It’s been a long freaking day. I mean, when I woke up this morning I was still a single woman. Now I’m married.
    I groan. “I’m sorry I picked LA. It’s actually kind of a stupid place to go first.”
    Jace shakes his head. “No way. This is a spontaneous trip. Your first choice is the best one because it’s what you really want. We’re going and it’ll be awesome.”
    I smile and grab his hand from across the small aisle between our chairs. “So what’s behind that other door?” I ask, gesturing to the door behind us. “Is it the bathroom? Because I’m sure I’ll have to pee before we get there.” At the sudden thought of how much soda I had at our wedding, my eyes go wide as panic makes my stomach tighten. “Please tell me there’s a bathroom in there?”
    Jace laughs and shakes his head, standing up and walking toward the door. “Babe, there’s a lot more than a bathroom back there.” He

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