Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6)

Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Page B

Book: Autumn Adventure (Summer Unplugged #6) by Amy Sparling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sparling
    “You okay?” he asks, nudging me in the shoulder with his chin.
    “Yeah, I’m fine,” I say, continuing to scroll on my phone.
    “Liar, liar,” he says. He takes my hand and I look up at him. He’s wearing a blue Oakley shirt and jeans and yet he looks just as gorgeous today as he did in his tuxedo last night. I can’t help but smile when I look into his gorgeous eyes. I sigh. No sense in keeping things from him—he’d only find them out eventually.
    “I just feel so stupid not knowing anything about, well, anything, and you’re so smart and have been everywhere and know everything.”
    “That is so not true, babe. I’m not smarter than you are. Not by a long shot.” I give him a sarcastic look but he keeps talking. “I know motocross and California and that’s about it. Everything else in life, we’ll get to learn together. I mean, I’m psyched for us to have our baby and buy a house but I have absolutely no idea how to do either one of those things.”
    “Really, Jace?” I say sarcastically, giving him a look. “You don’t know how to have a baby?” I pat my belly, which is still pretty small but growing every day. “Seems like you did a pretty good job in knocking me up, so I think you know a little bit about the subject.”
    He starts laughing and reaches over, putting his hand on top of mine on my stomach. “You know what I mean. Once this kid comes out of here, I’ll have no idea what to do.”
    “Something tells me you’ll figure it out,” I say, unable to hide my smile.
    We search for hotels again, and then something catches my eye. “The Pink Palace?” I scroll some more and read about the Beverly Hills Hotel, a famous and legendary hotel that’s over a hundred years old. And the best part? It’s pink. I read aloud from the website, “It’s located in the center of Beverly Hills and is surrounded by tropical gardens and exotic flowers. Oh my God, Jace,” I say, looking over at him.
    “That sounds amazing,” he says. “Let’s go.” He types the hotel’s name into our rental car’s GPS and I buckle my seatbelt, smiling ear to ear as I get ready to drive down the famous streets of Hollywood for the first time in my life.
    I wish I could say that driving through California and checking into our hotel, which is actually what they call a private bungalow, was an amazing experience that I’ll remember for a lifetime. Instead, I fell asleep the second we pulled out of the airport.
    I wake up some time later when Jace has my car door open and is reaching for my hand.
    “Was I asleep?” I ask stupidly as I let him pull me from the car. We changed clothes on the plane, but I was so tired from the day’s activities that I only had the energy to don a pair of yoga pants and a blue tank top with rhinestones along the neckline. Ugh, that is so not clothing good enough for Cali-freaking-fornia!
    Jace laughs. “Sleeping? More like in a mini-coma.”
    We walk through an astounding garden filled with exotic plants. The floral scent overwhelms me and makes me wish I could bottle it all up and make it a perfume. For all I know, that might have already been done. I make a mental note to go shopping for fragrances in LA before we leave.
    Jace opens the door to our suite and guides me to the bed. It’s a four-poster, canopied and piled high with the most luxurious sheets and down comforter you could imagine. But I don’t even have time to admire the way the bed closes around me like a cloud, because I fall asleep just moments after my head hits the pillow.
    I wake to the smell of coffee. Jace and Becca, though I love both of them to death, are crazy addicted to coffee. I’m only a partial fan of the drink, probably because I usually fill my cup with lots of sugar and cream and then drink entirely too much and I become jittery for the rest of the day.
    Luckily, I’m nearing five months pregnant and my morning sickness is just about gone. Jace must know that,

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