The Wolf's Surrender

The Wolf's Surrender by Kendra Leigh Castle

Book: The Wolf's Surrender by Kendra Leigh Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Leigh Castle
Kenyon seemed genuinely sweet, Mia decided as she watched dimples wink in his cheeks, and there was no question he was handsome. Unfortunately, he was nowhere near as interesting to her as the werewolf who glared daggers at him all the way out the door.
    An awkward silence descended over the room as the door shut behind Kenyon.
    “Asshole,” muttered Jenner. Mia widened her eyes at him.
    “What is wrong with you?” she said. “He seemed nice enough.”
    When neither Jenner nor Bane bothered to answer her, she decided it was time to remove herself from the raging testosterone still filling the room, lingering in the air like invisible fog...or a foul odor.
    “Okay,” she said. “I’m going to go sit on the porch and get some air. If I scream, I’d appreciate it if one of you came out to check on me. Thanks.”
    Shaking her head over the idiocy of men, which supernatural powers apparently did nothing to cure, Mia headed out the door.

Chapter 7
    “Y ou and I need to talk,” Bane said as soon as the door closed behind Mia.
    “So talk,” Jenner said. He was already regretting his assertion that Mia was staying with him. Hadn’t he worked this all out in his head when he’d been in the garage? Except that had been before that cocky little Silverback walked in and started making eyes at her. When that had happened, the rational, planning ahead part of Jenner’s brain seemed to have shut down completely.
    And now here he was, about to suffer a dressing down from one very pissed off Alpha. Jenner knew the look on Bane’s face, all too well. He ought to feel good about the warning he knew was coming, should be glad that there was now no chance at all of Mia becoming his.
    Of course, that would be a lot easier if he wasn’t still envisioning punching the smile off of Kenyon Chase’s face.
    “I think Mia asked the right question, actually. Except she was too nice about the way she phrased it, so I’ll give it a try. What crawled up your ass and died, Jenner?” Bane began to pace the room restlessly, more comfortable in motion than he was still.
    Jenner, just the opposite, settled back into a chair and watched Bane make the circuit around the couch, in front of the windows, around the other chair, and back again.
    “Nothing’s wrong, except that next time I’d like a little warning before you bring the crown prince of the Silverback into my house.”
    Bane shot a glare at him. “Crown prince my ass.”
    “Please,” Jenner grunted. “Young, pretty and cocky. He’s got hereditary werewolf written all over him, and you know as well as I do that with the Silverback, that equals power.”
    Bane stopped and shoved a hand through his unruly hair, looking as though he was praying to the ceiling for guidance. “Not everyone works the way we do, Jenner. Kenyon is going to be the Alpha one day. He seems like a reasonable, thoughtful man.”
    “I bet he spends an hour in the bathroom every morning doing his hair.”
    Bane’s lips quirked. “Maybe. But I would rather not start a war with him, and potentially his whole pack, just because you decide you don’t want him touching your stuff. Which, by the way, Mia D’Alessandro is not. ”
    “Didn’t say she was,” Jenner muttered as Bane resumed pacing.
    “You didn’t have to say it,” Bane replied. “I think the growling did that for you.”
    Uncomfortable as he recalled that particular (and satisfying) moment of weakness, Jenner lifted a hand to rub at the tense cords of muscle that joined his neck and shoulder and sighed. What was he supposed to say? “Okay,” he finally allowed, “I growled. Look, you saw the way he looked at her right when he walked in here. Mia had a hell of a night, she’s finding out that she can’t go back to her life the way it was before, and she’s got a psycho after her who’s planning to either rape or kill her. The last thing she needs is some smarmy Alpha-in-waiting trying to put the moves on her.” Or some jackass

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