Arrival of the Prophecy

Arrival of the Prophecy by Robin Renee Ray

Book: Arrival of the Prophecy by Robin Renee Ray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Renee Ray
spitting, digging there claws into the carpet all the way through
the bedroom, out the door and down the hall. Sky turned around with glowing
eyes and elongated teeth, to the site of two fur balls crashing over each other
to get away from her. It was that site that calmed her from changing into
something that would more than likely rip the room apart with the anger she
felt inside.
Holiday...come here babies, I won’t hurt you,” Sky said running out after them.
“It’s Mommy.”
    She found Doc hiding on top of her refrigerator and tried to reach
for him and got a long bloody scratch for her efforts. She cursed at him then
started looking for Holiday, finding him under the couch, but got more of the
same treatment. “Holiday, don’t you love me anymore?” she asked looking under
the couch when the doorbell rang. “Well, you’re stuck with me, you stupid cat.”
She frowned getting back up to see who was at the door.
    “Damn,” she said looking through the peephole at the officer.
    Sky opened the door and asked, “How can I help you officer?”
    “Forgive me. May I come in My Queen?”
    “I thought you smelt familiar. Please, come in,” Sky stated stepping
    “I beg your pardon,” he said taking a knee as soon as the door was
closed, causing Sky to close her eyes and shake her head. “There was a
complaint called in about a loud sound coming from your apartment. The woman
said it sounded like a large dog howling, but meaner.”
    “That would be, Annie. Yeah, well, I kind of got upset earlier.”
    “What do you wish me to say in my report?” he asked getting up and
pulling out his notepad.
    “Excuse me?”
    “My report ma’am,” he replied with nervous sweat appearing on his
upper lip.
    “Um, is that what you’re supposed to ask me?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “What do you think I should say?”
    “Maybe you were watching a movie and hit the wrong button on the
control?” he suggested.
    “Well, there you have it. You guys are really everywhere aren’t
    “No disrespect, but including you My Queen, yes we are.”
    “Okay then, is that all?” she asked, reaching for the door knob.
    “Oh, yes, of course. Just try not know, not in such a small
area anyway.”
    “Yeah, I should’ve of thought about that,” she replied as he was
about to take a knee again. “Whoa! That’s so not necessary, wouldn’t want ole
noisy body across the hall getting a drift of that.”
    The officer bent part way, stood back up then repeated it twice
more, then he put his hat back on, nodded his head several times before
actually turning around and leaving. Sky locked the door. She put food down where
the cats ate and went to get ready for bed, leaving the bedroom a wreck. She
put on a white tank top and left on the boxers that she got from Anthony’s
house, then crawled in bed, passing out shortly after
her head hit the pillow. It wasn’t long until visions of Anthony started
floating into her dreams, his nude body racing through the forest. The dreams
blacked out to nothing. They returned only this time with her nude body
pressing up against his, the scent of mother earth around them. It was as if she
could feel his hands run down her flesh, rolling her over on the ground as he
readied himself to take her.


    The dream became so vivid it drove Sky into a sitting position, with
eyes wide open and her lungs gasping for breath. She was soaking wet, covered
in sweat. She ran her hand over her face taking in several deep breaths. She
pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and started
shaking her head trying to dislodge the exotically memorable visions that were
dancing in her mind. She closed her eyes as a warm sensation started crawling
up her body from that most pivotal point. That’s when she swung her legs over
the edge of the bed. Sky had made up her mind. She walked into the kitchen
where she had left the numbers and called

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