Around the World in a Bad Mood!

Around the World in a Bad Mood! by Rene Foss

Book: Around the World in a Bad Mood! by Rene Foss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rene Foss
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idiot requesting my name. Maybe I’ll just make up a name. . . . My name is Pain and Humiliation. That’s it, good ol’ Pain and Humiliation Foss. My friends just call me Misery for short.
    Oh no, you don’t need to apologize. I’m sure you’ve had a hard day and having to tow that heavy bag of yours around has got to be tiring. . . .
    Hard day? I’ll give you a hard day . . . my day! Now that is a hard day. Five stops between Chicago and Indianapolis, airplanes of people just like this jackass. And I’ve got to do the same thing tomorrow and the next day, too. This is one of the worst trips I’ve ever had in my life, and I just wanted to bear down and get it over with. There I was just trying to do my job . . . serve the Cokes and pick up the garbage, and now suddenly he walks into my life asking me to make him a gin and tonic and stow his bag and give him my name. What did I ever do to deserve this? All I want is a simple life: to do my job, go home, hide under the covers, and watch television until my next god-awful trip. Is that expecting too much out of life? I think not. So why is it that I am constantly subjected to encounters with such utter fools? Why me?
    Tonight? Well, I’m flattered, but I have an early pickup in the morning and I . . .
    God, I hate my life. I don’t think I can take much more of this. We haven’t even left the ground and he’s already asking me out. Next thing you know he’ll be inquiring about the Mile High Club.
    Who me? What do I do for fun?
    Oh, I like to spend time talking to people like you, trying to figure out ways to get out of situations like this. Another fun thing is watching TV. Yep, I watch a lot of TV. It meets all of my emotional needs. Nothing like sitting down by yourself in front of the tube with the dog, a bottle of wine, and a big plate of pasta on a Saturday night. My favorite shows are Cops, Jenny Jones, and wrestling. Oh, I’m a big wrestling fan. I would go out on more dates with eligible men like yourself, but there are just so many fabulous programs that I can’t afford to miss. Another thing I like to do for fun is the laundry . . . now that is some serious fun! It’s more fun than sitting through an evening with someone like you, I’m sure.
    Oh, really? One of the best restaurants in Flint. No I can’t say that I’ve ever been there.
    Oh, I don’t think I can, but you’re so nice to offer. Oh yes, I’m sure there’s a lot of great nightlife there, but I really have to get to bed early tonight because I have to wake up at 7:00 A.M . Oh, aren’t you funny, you won’t take no for an answer. . . .
    Oh, he’s funny all right. Funny as a crutch. I can’t recall the last time I met someone so funny or so debonair—usually you have to be at a trailer park or a bowling alley to meet someone of his status. Well, I imagine he’ll keep pestering me until I agree to go to the finest restaurant in Flint with him. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll injure myself in the galley, you know slip on the floor and break my neck, and then I wouldn’t have to go. I could just tell him I’m busy with my broken neck and have to spend the night in the finest hospital in Flint instead. He couldn’t expect me to go out to dinner with a broken neck.
    You’re right about that, a girl does have to eat. I guess as long as I’m back by a reasonable hour . . . oh well, why not? I accept away, sir. Charlie? OK, Charlie. Oh, me too. I’m really looking forward to it.
    I’m looking forward to it about as much as I’m looking forward to paying my taxes or getting a root canal. Oh, I probably deserve this. Somewhere in the past I must have done some dreadful act for which I am now being punished. The agony of it! I must remember this feeling; perhaps I’ll be able to use it in my acting work. Maybe someday I’ll have to play a character who is

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