where there should have been two bullet wounds but there are no wounds. The
other man, the one who was once casted in white light, he stands there and
starts to laugh. The man with the gun becomes angry and begins to shoot at me
again even though I've already fallen to the ground. Even though I'm completely
Eventually he runs out of ammunition. The man with the gun walks closer
to me and stands over my body, and he sees that I am still alive. He is in
disbelief. The man who is laughing stops laughing and also comes closer to me,
and then he kneels down to whisper something in my ear. He tells me that the
Lord has spoken.
Chapter 24:
There is a story of a group of people who have spent their entire lives
in an underground cave and their knowledge is limited only to what they can see
and hear, and then one day they are let out of the underground cave and for the
first time they see the Sun. They see powerful rays of light and trees and
birds and realize that there was so much more to learn. Maybe you know this
At night, some of us gaze at the dark sky and wonder what is beyond what
we can see and what we can comprehend as human beings. Things like God and
Satan, if there is life elsewhere. Even if we are one day able to see and
comprehend these things, we will have to accept the fact that there is still
even more to discover. No matter how much you think you may know, you will
never know it all.
However, one might argue that because knowledge presumably has no
limits, it therefore cannot be compared or measured to or by anything.
One person might know that an object's mass plays a role in how strong
that object's gravitational pull will be and another person might not, but
because there is so much to know one might also say that regardless of how much
more knowledgeable the first person is than the second person, both individuals
are equally unintelligent. Or equally unintelligent. This is why a wise man
will tell you he's a fool.
There is a theory that a single cell can represent, or is, a universe,
and that a universe can represent, or is, a single cell. The basic fundamentals
of the idea are influenced by significance and perception. The human body is
comprised of cells that will help form a body part or an organ, and these parts
of the body will help form systems such as the reproductive system or the
respiratory system, and these systems will help maintain a functional organism.
Likewise, the universe is comprised with many similarities. There are
planets. Cells. There is a star with a mass that is great enough to have a
dominant gravitational pull and force these nearby planets to revolve around
it, such a system is called a solar system. Organs. There are many solar
systems throughout space, and the compilation of these solar systems form
galaxies. Body systems.
Furthermore, many galaxies form a universe. Organisms. A universe is
followed by an omniverse, which is all possible universes, and who knows for
how long this can go on, however if you tweak your perception, imagine that a
cell in your body is one universe. All these cells help make up your heart,
just like all these planets help make up a solar system.
If we were to shrink ourselves down to a size where just one of our
cells were more significant, or in other words bigger to us, we might find that
the place we are in follows the same exact standards as the place we were when
we were normally sized. With this in mind, is it logical to assume that
everything is the same? That without the perception and significance that is
constructed by the human brain, a single cell is the actually identical in
every property to a universe.
That even if you meet a giant who is a million times bigger than you, it
means nothing because there is another giant who is a billion times bigger than
the giant who is a million times bigger than you, and to him you are both small
and stupid just
Margaret Campbell Barnes
Krystle Jones
Season of the Machete
Luis Samways
Tiffany Madison
Jillian Michaels
Douglas Brunt
Ravyn Wilde
A.M. Anderson
Sophia Hampton