Angel In The Saloon (Brides of Glory Gulch)

Angel In The Saloon (Brides of Glory Gulch) by Jeanne Marie Leach

Book: Angel In The Saloon (Brides of Glory Gulch) by Jeanne Marie Leach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanne Marie Leach
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personal relationship with the Lord. Amelia’s muddled emotions were set
free from their confusion. It was as if God had not only heard her befuddled
prayers the night before, but He was able to make some sense out of them. She now
saw a clear direction for her life. And all she had to do was take it. She knew
all along that if she ever was to fall in love, it would have to be with a
Christian man. One with the same beliefs as hers. She found herself being drawn
toward Paul in a deeper way, and it both excited and unnerved her.
    The service over, the usual fellowship resumed. It was
difficult to maneuver through the church because of the large number of people
who were visiting in the aisles. Paul kept hold of Amelia, guiding and turning
her as the need called until the two were once again back outside in the fresh,
Sunday air.
    Wouldn’t the people back in Georgia think this quite a
travesty, leaving church to go home to a saloon? She was just glad to have a
place to go home to. Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like the saloon! Amelia
giggled at her silly, private thoughts.
    “What’s so funny?” Paul asked.
    “Oh, I was just reminded of something. Nothing
    Soon they were at the kitchen door with the savory
aroma of fried chicken drifting out to them.
    “Mm.” Paul’s said.
    Corrin looked up from her cooking.  “Hello there. How
was church this morning?”
    “It was wonderful,” Amelia replied. “I enjoyed it very
much. Aunt Corrin, did you know that Paul has a marvelous singing voice?”
    “Actually, I did. But that’s a story for another time.”
    When had her aunt heard Paul sing? Had she gone to
church at some time in her life? “Oh, Aunt Corrin. I invited him to picnic with
us. I hope that’s all right with you?”
     “Honey, that’s just fine. We have plenty of food.”
    “See,” she said, turning toward Paul. “I told you she
wouldn’t mind.”
    “We’d better not go too far, though. It looks like it
might rain,” Corrin said.
    The threesome headed into the woods behind the saloon
and Corrin soon spied the perfect spot for a picnic under the shade of a giant
pine tree. A blanket was spread on the ground, the fair laid out like a buffet,
and they soon were enjoying themselves with food, conversation and laughter.
    “Oh, Sweetie, I almost forgot to tell you. Some of my
friends are throwing me a Birthday party this Saturday night---a dance! Isn’t
that wonderful?”
    “Yes, it is. It’s been a long time since I attended a
dance. I already knew about it, and I’m looking forward to it. I just wasn’t
sure if it was to be a surprise or not.”
    “Well then, fair lady.” Paul grabbed Amelia’s hand and
kissed it. “Wouldst thou give me the pleasure of escorting you to the grand
    “Thank you for your offer, most kind sir.” Amelia chafed
at having emphasized her Southern accent again. “However, another gentleman has
already extended the same offer and I have accepted, so I’m afraid that I must
decline.” There, she said it.
    Paul sat quietly for a moment, and then blew out a
huge sigh and said, “Cowan.”
    “Yes.” In an attempt to console him, Amelia reached
for his hand and smiled brightly at him. “But I’ll save you a couple dances,
Paul.” There wasn’t anything either of them could do about the situation, so it
would be advantageous to simply make the best of it.
    He sat quietly for a moment. “I’d like that very much,
Miss Jackson.”
    “Well, in honor of the upcoming festivities,” Corrin
said, her voice sounding happier than Amelia had heard her since she arrived a
week ago. “Amelia, you and I are going shopping. We are going to Glenwood
Springs to buy ourselves the prettiest party gowns this side of the Rockies.”
    “Where’s Glenwood Springs?”
    “Oh, it’s about a half day’s ride on the stage. You’ll
love it. It’s much larger than Glory Gulch, and has a dress shop with the latest
fashions from Paris, and

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