And Then There Was You

And Then There Was You by Suzy Turner

Book: And Then There Was You by Suzy Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzy Turner
a couple of days. Don't worry, it's just a precautionary measure.'
    I nodded. 'Thank you,' I said as she finished up and walked out, leaving me alone with him.
    'Oh Matt. What happened?' I asked, peering at his eyes, which were quite bloodshot.
    'A car pulled out on me.'
    'So it was his fault?'
    'Of course,' he said.
    'But you were speeding?' I assumed.
    When he said nothing I knew the answer, but there was no point arguing about that now. What was done, was done.

    I drove myself to the hospital the next day, taking Matt's favourite chocolates and a couple of cycling magazines with me. I almost bought a motorbike magazine as well, but then thought better of it.
    As I entered the room where he had been moved to, I was surprised to see a woman I didn't recognise. In her arms was a baby.
    'Oh, sorry,' I said, 'I must've got the wrong room.' But as I went to turn away I noticed that it was Matt sitting upright in the bed. 'Oh.'
    'Hey, Eve,' he said. 'This is Kristen, Charlie's sister.'
    'Oh, hi Kristen. It's nice to meet you.'
    'Eve,' said a voice behind me.
    I turned to see Charlie, smiling at me.
    'My sister came to take me baby clothes shopping, so we thought we'd pop in to see the patient. I'm so happy to see him doing okay.' She grinned.
    'I know, it's such a relief, isn't it?' I said, turning to Matt and smiling, pecking him briefly on the lips. 'How are you feeling?'
    'Like I've been run over by a bus,' he said. I was just about to put the magazines on his bed when I noticed the very same ones were already there.
    'Oh,' I said, a little disappointed. I just handed him the chocolates instead. 'I was going to get you a biker magazine but thought better of it.' I smiled.
    'I doubt I'll be biking for a while. Besides, the R1's been written off.'
    'Oh, I'm sorry, babe.'
    'I'll buy a new one when the insurance comes through.'
    I shook my head and turned back to Kristen and Charlie. 'And who is this little one?'
    Kristen smiled. 'Johnny.'
    'He's gorgeous,' I said.
    'Thank you. Well, Charlie,' she said through gritted teeth, elbowing her sister, 'we should go.
    'Yes, we should,' Charlie replied, but didn't move from Matt's side.
    'Sis,' Kristen insisted.
    'Oh, yeah, right, yes. Let's make a move. Matt, it's so good to see you, babe. Take care. Hope to see you home soon enough,' she said, lingering over him a little.
    Matt looked at her and smiled. 'Hopefully we can get back in the saddle soon?'
    I laughed, looking at the heavily pregnant woman and the man in several casts and a neck brace. 'Something tells me that isn't going to happen anytime soon.'
    Charlie laughed a little too hard. 'No, no, probably not,' she said before she kissed him gently on on cheek and then swiftly on the other one.
    Turning to me, she kissed both my cheeks and walked out.
    'Nice to meet you, Eve. Matt,' said Kristen. who quickly followed her sister out into the corridor.
    I breathed a long sigh and went to sit beside my husband, who shifted his weight in the bed.
    'Are you uncomfortable? Can I help to re-arrange your pillows or something?'
    'No, no, Charlie fluffed them up for me. I'm fine. Just fed up of lying down. that's all.'
    'Hopefully you'll be able to come home soon. Have you spoken to the doctor?'
    'Yes, Dr. Johnson was here just before you arrived. He said I can leave tomorrow, so will you come and pick me up first thing? I can't wait to get out of here.'
    'Of course.'
    'Will you bring my car? I don't think I'll be very comfortable in yours.'
    I nodded. 'No problem. Is there anything you need in the meantime?'
    He tried to shake his head and winced. 'I keep forgetting I can't move my head. No, I'm fine. Have you spoken to the guys at work?'
    'I actually forgot until Howard rang earlier this morning.'
    Matt tensed for a second. 'What did he say?'
    'Nothing. I just told him what happened. He said he'd stop by around half past ten. Oh, it's almost ten thirty now. He'll probably be here any second. And talk of the

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