An Antarctic Mystery

An Antarctic Mystery by Jules Verne

Book: An Antarctic Mystery by Jules Verne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jules Verne
all we had to think about. Hunt obtained a
favourable reply, and came on board that same evening.
    On the 27th, in the morning, in the presence of the authorities of
the Archipelago, the
anchor was lifted, the last good
wishes and the final adieus were exchanged, and the schooner took
the sea. The same evening Capes Dolphin and Pembroke disappeared in
the mists of the horizon.
    Thus began the astonishing adventure undertaken by these brave men,
who were driven by a sentiment of humanity towards the most terrible
regions of the Antarctic realm.

Chapter X - The Outset of the Enterprise
    Here was I, then, launched into an adventure which seemed likely to
surpass all my former experiences. Who would have believed such a
thing of me. But I was under a spell which drew me towards the
unknown, that unknown of the polar world whose secrets so many
daring pioneers had in vain essayed to penetrate. And this time, who
could tell but that the sphinx of the Antarctic regions would speak
for the first time to human ears!
    The new crew had firstly to apply themselves to learning their
several duties, and the old—all fine fellows—aided them in the
task. Although Captain Len Guy had not had much choice, he seemed to
have been in luck. These sailors, of various nationalities,
displayed zeal and good will. They were aware, also, that the mate
was a man whom it would not do to vex, for Hurliguerly had given
them to understand that West would break any man's head who did
not go straight. His chief allowed him full latitude in this respect.
    "A latitude," he added, "which is obtained by taking the
altitude of the eye with a shut fist."
    I recognized my friend the boatswain in the manner of this warning
to all whom it might concern.
    The new hands took the admonition seriously, and there was no
occasion to punish any of them. As for Hunt, while he observed the
docility of a true sailor in all his duties, he always kept himself
apart, speaking to none, and even slept on the deck, in a corner,
rather than occupy a bunk in the forecastle with the others.
    Captain Len Guy's intention was to take the Sandwich Isles for his
point of departure towards the south, after having made acquaintance
with New Georgia, distant eight hundred miles from the Falklands.
Thus the schooner would be in longitude on the route of the
    On the 2nd of November this course brought us to the bearings which
certain navigators have assigned to the Aurora Islands, 30° 15'
of latitude and 47° 33' of east longitude.
    Well, then, notwithstanding the affirmations—which I regarded with
suspicion—of the captains of the
in 1762, of the Saint
Miguel, in 1769, of the Pearl, in 1779, of the Prinicus and the
Dolores, in 1790, of the Atrevida, in 1794, which gave the bearings
of the three islands of the group, we did not perceive a single
indication of land in the whole of the space traversed by us. It was
the same with regard to the alleged islands of the conceited Glass.
Not a single little islet was to be seen in the position he had
indicated, although the look-out was most carefully kept. It is to
be feared that his Excellency the Governor of Tristan d'Acunha
will never see his name figuring in geographical nomenclature.
    It was now the 6th of November. Our passage promised to be shorter
than that of the
. We had no need to hurry, however. Our
schooner would arrive before the gates of the iceberg wall would
be open. For three days the weather caused the working of the ship
to be unusually laborious, and the new crew behaved very well;
thereupon the boatswain congratulated them. Hurliguerly bore witness
that Hunt, for all his awkward and clumsy build, was in himself worth
three men.
    "A famous recruit," said he.
    "Yes, indeed," I replied, "and gained just at the last
    "Very true, Mr. Jeorling! But what a face and head he has, that
    "I have often met Americans like him in the regions of the Far
West," I answered, "and I should not be

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