BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance)

BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance) by Dagny Rand

Book: BAD BOY ROMANCE: FAKE FIANCEE ROMANCE: Breaking Bad (Jealous Friend Alpha Male Temporary Counterfeit Romance Secret Love Thriller) (My Fake Fiancé Obsession Romance Bad Boy Love Collection Romance) by Dagny Rand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dagny Rand
you going to help me or not?” he said, folding his arms across his chest. Jess curbed her laughter and sat in the chair across from him.
    “Alright, sorry, I’m done. Let’s plan a date that will knock this girl on her ass, so you can fake propose without having the taste slapped out of your mouth,” she said. Neal grinned. This was why she was his assistant.

Chapter 3
    Jess and Neal picked out a restaurant that had flawless reviews and a view of the city that was ‘to die for’, in her words. After that, I planned to take her out to do something fun. I’d noticed that her tennis shoes were obviously used, not simply for show. Jess suggested that we do something like bowling, something where the shoes were provided because no one wants to do something athletic in five inch heels. Neal was well aware that he probably wouldn’t have thought of that. That was why he’d ask Jess.
    Jess had also told him to put a little bit of light gel in his hair, because the blond and brown looked really good when it was doing that ‘swoosh thing’. She’d had to show him what the swoosh thing was so that he could do it himself that night. He had also been told to wear a dark blue suit with lighter blue pin stripes, because it would look great with his almost sapphire blue eyes. Jess made a parting comment about eating him alive, and then left him to it.
    Neal arrived a few minutes early to the restaurant. He had reservations, but for dates he liked to make sure that they restaurant had his card information before his date arrived. That way, when they were ready to leave they could, and the restaurant could simply charge his card what he owed plus a twenty five percent tip. There was a reason that restaurants loved him being a frequent patron.
    “Ah, Mr. Broussard, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” the concierge said. Neal smiled, remembering that the same man had indeed been on the door when he’d come past for lunch a few days ago. What had his name been? Oh yeah…
    “You as well, David. My assistant called in a dinner reservation tonight?” Neal asked. David smiled wider upon hearing that Neal remembered his name. You could accomplish and get away with a lot by doing the simple things like remembering a name, or whether they have kids, or that their wife had the flu last time you all met. There was a reason that Neal was so good at what he did.
    “That she did, for a table by the window, correct?” he asked. Neal smiled and nodded.
    “Perfect,” he said. David grinned.
    “Would you like to wait for your date, or be seated now?” he asked.
    “I’ll go ahead and take a seat now. I’d also like to go ahead and give you all my credit card information, and have a bottle of wine chilled, if it’s not too much trouble,” Neal said. David turned and motioned for him to follow.
    “No trouble at all. I’ll take your card and get the information into the system, and would you like the same wine that you had last time that you were here?” David asked. Someone else was good at their job, if he was aware that Neal had a favorite bottle.
    “That’s be perfect,” he said as David stopped by a table and motioned for him to take a seat. He handed over his card and sat down, looking out of the widow and smiling. Perfect. The bottle arrived in a tableside bucket of ice a few minutes later, and right on time, he noted Lisa’s reflection in the glass.
    She looked amazing in a simple black dress that hugged the curvy bits of her perfectly, and Jess had been right about the shoes. He wouldn’t have asked her to even take a stroll in those, too much of a chance to sprain an ankle or something. They did make her legs look amazing though.
    “I’m not late, am I? You look like you’ve been waiting for a long time,” she said. Neal smiled and shook his head.
    “Not at all, I arrived a bit earlier than I intended to. You are rather punctual,” he said with a smile that could melt butter. Jessica giggled.
    “So what’s a

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