
Amagansett by Mark Mills

Book: Amagansett by Mark Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Mills
Tags: Fiction
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fisheries biologist with the New York State Conservation Department. Sheepish, bespectacled and with a nose like a cobbler’s awl, the poor fellow had become something of a whipping boy for the local fishermen who openly referred to his biological survey as the ‘diabolical survey’ whenever he dared show his face.
    ‘I been talking to him,’ said Ned. ‘He’s a log of stuff to learn about fishing, but what he don’t know about bass ain’t worth knowing.’ He ignored the incredulous puffs from his audience. ‘It’s all in the spawning, he says, the Hudson and Chesapeake. Theconditions ain’t right for the cows in the estuaries, ain’t no point in us and the sports even arguing, not one of us is going to see a fish off the East End.’
    ‘Fact is, the sports is takin’ more bass than us anyhows.’
    ‘Goddamn pinhookers.’
    ‘Yeah, what we take don’t amount to nothin’.’
    ‘He knows that, he’s with us on it. Like I say, the problem don’t lie here, it’s in the estuaries, the pollution from the factories.’
    ‘Factories owned by them politicians and their friends.’
    ‘Yeah, what good’s a sorry scamp like that going to do against them lot?’
    ‘If anything can drive you crazy or into evil, it’s politics.’
    ‘That’s the truth.’
    ‘I say him being here don’t spell nothin’ good.’
    ‘No, not by a damned sight.’
    And so the discussion continued, despite Ned’s best efforts, whirling, reeling, spinning in circles, until Conrad’s head was swimming with words he no longer heard. The hall suddenly felt very small and congested, the atmosphere heavy, stifling. He steadied himself against the rear wall with a hand. He needed air.
    The door swung shut behind him as he stepped outside into the night. A cloud of bugs buzzed around the tin lamp above the door, and for a moment it seemed to Conrad that they too were embroiled in some feverish, futile debate.
    He drew a few long, deep breaths, but they did nothing to clear his head. He picked his way cautiously down the steps and towards the truck, each stride an act of concentration. Halfway across the lot he heard the door of the hall swing open then bang shut again. He didn’t turn till he heard the footsteps crunching behind him on the carpet of crushed shells, a pace and purpose to the tread.
    Three men were advancing towards him, shoulder to shoulder, backlit by the lamp above the door. The jug-eared silhouette of the fellow on the right marked him out as Ellis Hulse. As they drew closer he recognized the other two as Charlie Walsh and his squat,none-too-intelligent brother-in-law, Dan Geary. And he knew then what was coming.
    If there was any doubt, Ellis and Dan moved away from Charlie, drifting lazily off to the sides. Charlie drew to a halt, scraping at the shells underfoot with the toe of his boot. ‘So what do you think?’ he asked, nodding over his shoulder. ‘You think we’ll beat the bill?’
    Conrad could feel the lightness shifting from his head to his stomach. ‘Go home, Charlie.’
    Charlie looked at him as if seriously weighing the suggestion. ‘Shit on that,’ he said.
    Dan Geary grunted with amusement, moving, still moving, around to the left. Ellis was circling to the right, obliging Conrad to retreat a little to keep them both in view.
    Charlie advanced a few paces. ‘Just wanted to say I’m sorry, for before.’ His mouth was twisted between self-pity and bitter contempt. Conrad toyed with the idea of further conciliation but rejected it, not because he doubted it would work—that much was certain—but because he no longer wanted it to.
    ‘So you should be,’ he said, ‘stealing off the dead.’
    ‘A pair of damn earrings. What the hell does she care?’
    ‘What if it was your sister?’ fired back Conrad.
    It took a moment for Dan Geary to register that Charlie’s sister also happened to be his own wife, but once the thought had lodged itself in his brain it appeared to bother him. He looked

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