Alistair’s Bed

Alistair’s Bed by Susan Hayes

Book: Alistair’s Bed by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
diverging down your life line. You’ve got choices to make, don’t be afraid to make the right one. Depending on what you choose, your life could go in very different directions, but once you make your choice, there’s no going back.
    Keri stared at Samantha, unsure what had just happened. “What?”
    Samantha shook her head as if clearing it and smiled ruefully. “I apologize, I should have asked before reading your palm that way, but something compelled me to do it.” Samantha let go of Keri’s hand and she downed the rest of her coffee. “You’ve got a fair share of the sight yourself, why don’t you use it?”
    “Me? No.” Keri shook her head and set down her mug so hard it clattered on the table top.
    “Yes, you do. But you’re frightened of it. No one ever taught you how to use it, did they?” Samantha’s voice was softer now. “If ever you want to learn, I’d be happy to teach you. It’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s a gift. But for now, just remember what I told you. Change is coming, and you’ve got choices to make. Be brave, and when the time comes, listen to your heart.”
    A car door slammed shut outside, followed by another one. “My boys are back. Do you want to stay a bit longer?”
    “No, I should go and leave you to catch up with your son.” Keri stood and on impulse came over and hugged Samantha. “Thank you for the coffee and everything.”
    The front door opened and a male voice called out “Mom? Where’s my hug?”
    “I’m in the kitchen!” Samantha’s face lit up as she heard her son’s voice.
    Seconds later a fast moving blur of muscle and sun bleached blonde hair passed through the kitchen and lifted Samantha into a bear hug. “Nice to see you Mom, what smells good? Did you bake?”
    “Put me down, we have company!” The smaller woman swatted her son on the shoulder and laughed before pointing to Keri. “Trevor, this is Keri, Tammy’s granddaughter. She’s just moved back to the island. And that’s her baking you smell, not mine.”
    “Oops.” Trevor set his mother down and grinned at Keri, his playful expression upping her first assessment of him from handsome to “drop dead gorgeous.” He was tall and well muscled judging from the way he filled out his shirt, and his grey-blue eyes were just like his mother’s, kind and full of laughter. “I didn’t realize we had company. Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand in greeting.
    Keri took his hand and shook it, waiting for her tongue to tie itself into its usual knots when faced with a handsome face, but nothing happened. Instead she returned his smile and replied without a single stammer.
    “Hi. You’re mom was nice enough to give me some eggs the other day so I just popped by to deliver a thank you. I hope you like raspberries.”
    “I am a fan of all things berry, but most especially raspberries.” He let go of her hand and turned to grin at Samantha. “Good thinking, finding a neighbor who bakes. I’d come home more often if you didn’t use the smoke detector as a timer.” He ducked a playful swat from his mother and bounced back a few feet, out of reach.
    “Behave yourself!” Samantha chided and rolled her eyes. “This is what happens when he is out of my influence for too long. He gets full of sass and forgets I can still turn him over my knee.”
    Keri burst out laughing. “On that note, I will leave you to your reunion, Happy Canada Day!” She passed Tom on the way out and gave him a wave. “I’m Keri, your neighbor. I dropped off some baking with Samantha. If you hurry Trevor may not have eaten it all just yet.”
    He waved back and broke into a jog, clearly headed for the kitchen.
    As Keri slipped behind the wheel of her car she wondered at the easy way she’d handled Trevor. Normally a man like that would have her tripping over herself with nerves, but that hadn’t happened. Alistair. His name popped into her head. You don’t care about other guys anymore because you have the

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