Alistair’s Bed

Alistair’s Bed by Susan Hayes Page B

Book: Alistair’s Bed by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
drawn them both a bath and added far too much bubble stuff to it, producing a tub of hot water and foam that enveloped them both once they both got in, towering almost to their chins and leaving the bathroom floor awash while they both laughed and made love again, adding another wash of water to the already sopping floor.
    A night breeze blew up from the harbor, bringing with it the sounds of the crowd and the scent of grilling meat. He felt Keri shiver and she snuggled closer to him for warmth. “I should have remembered to bring us jackets.”
    “I think I can fix that.”
    He winked at her and then concentrated for a moment, and as Keri watched with fascination his modern clothing shimmered like a heat mirage and transformed into one of his favorite outfits. His legs were clad in dark trousers and soft leather boots that rose to his knee. His shirt was now long sleeved and loose, the ties to fasten it shut left unlaced to mid chest. He lifted a portion of the cloak he now wore over her shoulders and drew her closer, wrapping it around them both like a blanket.
    “I am never going to get used to that.” She murmured and stroked her fingers over the heavy fabric.
    “It comes in handy, especially when the weather changes suddenly.” He drew her head to his shoulder, resting his chin lightly on the crown of her hair as they stared out at the night.
    Alistair knew he’d never been this happy, not in his adult life. Being with Keri had given him more than renewed strength; she had renewed his spirit too. He’d been so close to letting go and fading away, but not anymore. He’d realized how much she had changed his life when she had gone out, and even in those brief hours he’d missed her presence. If he couldn’t go for less than a day without her, there was no way he could fool himself into believing he could leave her behind if ever he got free. Somehow, he’d find a way to make it work. He wouldn’t accept any other option; Keri was his.
    “Keri, I wanted to tell you...” That’s all he managed to say before the first fireworks bloomed in the sky and Keri squealed in delight.
    The sky had filled with fountains of flame and star bursts of sparkling color, the snap and pop of every explosion rolling through the air and making it impossible to speak. The display lasted for ages; every new volley more spectacular than the last until the entire town was lit by a canopy of multicolored fire that filled the night with light and noise. As the grand finale finished the roar of the crowd could be heard, cheers and clapping that rivaled the fireworks for pure noise.
    “Did you like it?” She asked him.
    “I’ve never seen the like. It was beautiful, and very loud. When will they do that again?”
    “It’s a once a year event I’m afraid. Though there will be a smaller display in the autumn, for Halloween. It’s not even close to this scale though.”
    “I suppose it would not be nearly so amazing if it happened too often.” He lowered his head to hers, unable to resist the urge to kiss her. His fingers wrapped into her hair forgot everything but the sweet tasting woman he held in his arms. It was the wind that finally broke their kiss, the cool night air drawing another shiver from Keri that Alistair knew had nothing to do with their kiss.
    “Let’s go back inside before you get too cold.” He’d stood carefully and then offered Keri his hand, helping her up beside him.
    “Good idea. We’ll get back inside and then I’ll go grab us some ice cream, a perfect way to end this evening.”
    “Who says this is the end of anything?” He asked and scooped up the blanket, tossing it off the roof and then wrapped his arms around her. “I’ve decided it’s not safe for you to climb down alone. If you fell and hurt yourself I would be useless to you. I cannot protect you the way you should be protected and cared for. Not until I am free.”
    “You take better care of me than any man I have ever known.” She

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