Locking You (The Boston Kirkpatrick's #2)

Locking You (The Boston Kirkpatrick's #2) by S. Donahue

Book: Locking You (The Boston Kirkpatrick's #2) by S. Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Donahue
for Jessica. He never saw her before, but if she needs a job, she can contact him. Uh yeah…because she looks like a damn stripper. I have to keep my report on my personal computer for now because Shea is involved. I don’t want him to find out I’m investigating him. I somehow have to break it to Captain Watson. I told Wilson to keep his mouth shut. I’m sure he will. I’m thinking we need to start watching their every move, tap phones, whatever it takes. It’s time to take some action before someone else loses a life.
         The house is dark as I pull up. I wonder where Brendan is. He hasn’t called me which is odd for him. He usually calls to let me know where he is. I open the door and turn on the hall light. He’s apparently not home. I call his cell to make sure everything is okay. I get his voicemail.
         “Babe, it’s me. I just got home and you’re not here. I haven’t heard from you and I’m worried. I hope you’re okay. Call me.”
         I check upstairs to see if he’s asleep. Nothing. I slip into Brendan’s Celtic’s t-shirt. It’s so comfortable. It swims on me, so I wear it as a nightshirt. I can’t help but wonder where he could be.
         I head to my office to type some notes. My office is in the front of the house on the third floor. Sometimes it’s disturbing because of the car traffic outside.
         I miss Brendan so much. Even though I physically see him every day, there’s just so much tension between us.
         I hear the car door slam. I know it’s him. He’s so loud. I go downstairs to open the door thinking maybe he was drinking. He’s already halfway in the hallway.
         “Hey babe, I heard your car door. I was in my office. Why the hell do you smell horrible?”
         “Listen, I had a long day and night and I’m not in the mood. You want to start with someone go call one of your police friends.”
         He walks past me to the stairs.
         “I’m getting a fucking shower,” he mumbles.
         “I don’t know who you’re mad at, but you better lose your attitude.” He ignores me and just keeps going up the stairs. This infuriates me and he knows it. I follow behind him to the bedroom. He goes into the bathroom and slams the door. You know what? Fuck him. I grab my pillow and a spare blanket and go to my office. I’ll sleep on the pull out sofa in there. I can’t take this coldness from him. I deal with enough assholes every day. I don’t need it in my own home. Brendan Kirkpatrick can kiss my ass because I’m done.

Chapter 16
         When I walk in the door and see Joella, I just think of earlier and get in a bad mood. I figure if she sees how pissed I am, she will realize the impact she is making on our relationship. I storm up the steps and she follows behind me, so I go in the bathroom and slam the door. I know I’m being a dick, but it’s necessary at the moment.
         I strip down to nothing and grab my cock in my hand. Who would have thought that being angry would make me hard? Who am I kidding? I’m always hard and ready to go.  When I go back out there we need to talk things through and then I’ll make love to her all night long. I think I made her suffer long enough.
         I shower quickly and brush my teeth. I wrap a towel around my waist. I didn’t even grab new boxers before I came into the bathroom. Hmmm I won’t need them.
         As I open the door, I say, “I think we need to talk about all of this.” She is nowhere in sight.  Okay maybe I did take things too far, but she has to realize that I’m a person with feelings. I will go to the moon and back for her but she needs to start respecting my feelings. She’s definitely in her office.
         I throw on a pair of boxers and my cell phone starts to ring. It’s Cameron. I have to answer it.
         “Hey cam, what’s up?”
         “Nothing much.”
         “What ya got for me?”

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