After We Fell

After We Fell by Anna Todd

Book: After We Fell by Anna Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Todd
    â€œBasically . . .”
    What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I want to tell him he’s insane, that he’s not my father and needs to stop trying to manipulate me, but instead I just stand there with my mouthopen like a fool. “You can’t try to force me into things by lying and manipulating me.”
    â€œI know it’s fucked up,” he says, with a look of worry in his green eyes. “I don’t know why I am the way I am. I just don’t want to lose you, and I’m desperate here.”
    I can tell by his expression that he really doesn’t understand how he’s been acting. “No, you don’t know. Otherwise you wouldn’t have lied.”
    Hardin puts his hands on my hips. “Tessa, I’m sorry, I really am. You have to admit that we’re both getting much better at this relationship shit.”
    He’s right; in a messed-up way we really are much better at communicating than we used to be. Far from a normal-functioning relationship, but normal has never been our thing.
    â€œSo, the marriage thing—that isn’t going to make you come with me?”
    My heart beats uncontrollably in my chest, and I’m sure he can hear it. But I say simply, “We’ll talk about it when you’re not drunk.”
    â€œI’m not that drunk.”
    I smile and pat his cheek. “Too drunk for that type of conversation.”
    He smiles and pulls me closer. “When will you be back from Sandpoint?”
    â€œYou’re not coming?”
    â€œI don’t know.”
    â€œYou said you would. We’ve never traveled together before.”
    â€œSeattle,” he says, and I laugh.
    â€œActually, you showed up there uninvited, and left the next morning.”
    He runs a hand through my hair. “Technicalities.”
    â€œI really want you to come. Landon is moving soon.” The thought of that alone pains me.
    â€œSo?” he asks, shaking his head.
    â€œAnd your father would love it if you came, I’m sure.”
    â€œOh, him. He’s just upset with himself because they gave me a bullshit fine and put me on academic probation; the slightest fuckup and I’m done.”
    â€œThen why not transfer to the Seattle campus with me?”
    â€œI can’t hear the word ‘Seattle’ again tonight; I’ve had a long day and have a headache from hell now . . .” He kisses my forehead.
    I snap my head back slightly, away from him. “You got drunk with my father and lied about being expelled—we’re talking about Seattle if I want to,” I say sharply.
    He smiles. “And you wore those pants out after teasing me with them, and didn’t answer my calls.” He runs his thumb along my bottom lip.
    â€œYou don’t need to call me that many times. It’s suffocating. Molly even called you a stalker,” I say, but smile beneath his gentle touch.
    â€œDid she, now?” He continues tracing the outline of my lips, and they part involuntarily.
    â€œYeah,” I breathe.
    â€œHmm . . .”
    â€œI know what you’re doing.” I reach down and remove his other hand from my hip, where his fingers have begun to slip below the waistband of my pants.
    He smiles. “What’s that?”
    â€œYou’re trying to distract me so I won’t be mad at you.”
    â€œHow’s that working for me?”
    â€œNot well enough. Besides, my father is here, and there’s no way I’m having sex with you when he’s in the other room.” I reach around and smack him playfully on the butt.
    Which only makes him thrust himself against me a little. “Oh, you mean like when I fucked you right there”—he points to the bed—“whilemy mum was sleeping on the couch?” He thrusts gently against me again. “Or the time I fucked you in the bathroom at my father’s, or the multiple times I

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