A Wolf's Duty
to splutter, her tone incredulous.
    The woman’s smirk widened
and her grip tightened. “Yes. My Tobias.”
    “Lucinda?” Tobias’ voice
floated to her ears and despite the situation, Alex felt her
eyelids grow heavy as they closed to enable her to better savour
the sound.
    “Tobias.” Lucinda’s voice
suddenly lost all malice and a wide smile appeared on her face. The
hand at Alex’s throat tightened, before she was carelessly tossed
aside as Lucinda hurried towards Tobias.
    Landing hard
against the opposite wall, Alex cried out as pain bloomed within
her. I know I’m small but still… How the
hell did she manage to toss me like a rag doll?
    “Xandria?” Tobias’s voice
seemed confused as his eyes flickered between Alex and Lucinda,
shock momentarily freezing him in place.
    “Tobias, I was looking for
you,” Lucinda chuckled, reaching up for one of his arms.
    He turned to face her, his
expression thunderous. “What the hell did you think you were doing?
How dare you come to my home and lay hands on my mate! Sebastian!
Ryan! Where the hell are you?” Shrugging loose of Lucinda’s grip,
he hurried towards Alex, surprised and infuriated when the smell of
freshly shed blood assaulted his sensitive nose. “Xandria?”
Reaching down, he gently lifted her into his arms, concern flaring
upon seeing the ugly and bleeding gash at her throat.
    “Tobias? I was wondering
when you’d get back.” She smiled, her gaze unfocused.
    “Tobias you’re
back,” Sebastian chuckled entering the room, his light gait
faltered when he saw Alex cradled in Tobias’ arms. His gaze
wandered to Lucinda, understanding rapidly dawning. Fuck. Ryan strolled in,
not long after his brother, his thoughts immediately echoing his
twin’s as he became aware of what had happened and what was
probably about to happen.
    “Ryan, Sebastian, what
exactly is going on? I leave you for three days. I only ask you to
do one thing. I ask you to look after her; it shouldn’t have been
all that hard. But I come back and I find her here in my home not
hers, and not only is she not where she should have been, she’s
hurt!” His voice rose with each word until he was bellowing at the
    Raising her hand to touch
his cheek, Alex smiled warmly at him undaunted by his anger. “So
you do know them then, I gave them a hard time over nothing then.
Don’t yell at them Tobias. Ryan saved my life you know; you should
be nice to him and his brother,” she muttered, her voice now barely
    “Fine, I won’t yell at
them anymore ok?” She nodded, the hand at his face falling weakly
away. “I won’t yell at them, but what about her? Did she save your
life too?”
    “No, you can yell at her
all you like. Don’t tell anyone this, but I don’t think she’s a
very nice person,” she whispered conspiratorially to
    A small smile tugged at
his mouth, but any laugher he might have had died the instant he
turned his gaze towards Lucinda, his eyes amber as his inner wolf
demanded retribution for their mate’s spilled blood. “You did
this?” His tone brokered no compromise; everyone present knew it
wasn’t a question.
    Her head held high,
Lucinda refused to back down “Yes, I did your highness. There was
an intruder in your home and I took the necessary measures to deal
with it.”
    “She isn’t an intruder.
What’s wrong with you? I marked her. Anyone of our people would
know that she’s mine after one whiff. You must have known who she
was and you attacked her anyway. You assaulted my mate.” His fangs
had lengthened and he could feel his muscles tensing in
anticipation. “I could deal with you now and no-one would question
it, would they?” He turned to Ryan and Sebastian, the murderous
look in his eyes causing them to tremble with fear. They had seen
that look only a few times in all their lives and it had never
ended well for those involved. They shook their heads in response
to his question and Lucinda gulped as dread

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