A Wolf's Duty
the fact that he saved my life Tobias.
Thank you Ryan, I’m sorry about earlier, I was just a little
    He smiled in response, the
simple movement of his lips transforming his once harsh
    “Get out. Leave us alone.”
Tobias groaned, his head falling into his hands, the long strands
covering his face.
    Alex watched as the pair
quickly left, closing the door firmly behind them. “Tobias, are you
ok? Are you mad at him? Didn’t you know what he was?”
    “Of course I knew; I’m his
cousin,” he groaned.
    “Then what’s the matter?”
She moved, lightly resting a hand against his back.
    “I didn’t want you to find
out like this.”
    “Do you mean about Ryan? I
didn’t even know him before today; there was nothing for you to be
worried about.”
    “I don’t mean about him,
I’m talking about me.” He turned to face her, his eyes completely
amber, sweat beading across his forehead as his wolf struggled for
    She gasped at the shift in
his appearance, reaching a hand forward to caress his cheek.
Leaning into her touch, he smiled at her apparent acceptance.
“You’re like him.”
    “Yes. So is Sebastian. We
were born this way.”
    “Is your entire family
like this?” He nodded. “That woman, Lucinda, she called you your
highness, why?”
    “I’m the Prince of our
people, soon to be King.”
    She frowned, “Oh, I
suppose that means that you’ll be leaving soon. Going home to be
King and all that yeah?”
    “Oh, I guess it couldn’t
have lasted forever,” she wheezed, her heart stuttering within her
chest at the news.
    “And why exactly can’t we
last forever?”
    “Well you’re a wolf Prince
and I’m…, I’m nothing, really, or at least nothing that
    Cupping her chin with his
hand he lifted her head so she was forced to meet his gaze. “You’re
mine. You’re my mate.”
    “And what exactly does
that mean?”
    “In your terms, I suppose
the equivalent would be wife.”
    “Wife? Wife? I’m sorry but
I don’t remember a wedding. We aren’t married.”
    “You’re right about that,
at the moment the right word would be fiancé. We’re not quite mated
just yet, but soon...”
    “Soon what?”
    “Soon I intend for us to
    “You’re kidding me,
    “No,” he laughed amused by
her response to his declaration. “The bracelet I gave you has been
passed down through my family for generations, it’s a sign of
commitment, like an engagement ring. I gave it to you and you
accepted it, we’re promised to each other.” A look of shock came
over her features and she raised the bracelet to eye level, seeing
it in a whole new light. The movement brought her exposed skin to
his attention and his eyes quickly landed on the dark bruises on
her arms. Reaching forward he grasped both arms lightly examining
the injuries intently. “What are these Alexandria?” His voice had
roughened and she shivered at the sound. “You will tell me what
these are, Xandria, and this time I want the truth.”

    “What exactly do you mean
by the truth Tobias?” she murmured, stalling for time before the
inevitable confrontation.
    “You know what I’m talking
about Xandria. There’s been something off since the first day I met
you and you’re going to tell me what that is right now. I told you
my biggest secret and now you’re going to tell me
    “You’re going to be angry
Tobias, I’ve seen enough of that side of you today; can’t we just
leave it?”
    “No.” His abrupt response
killed any hope she might have had that he would simply let the
matter slide.
    “You have to promise me
one thing though.”
    “What is it?”
    “I want you to swear to me
that you won’t go and try to hurt him.”
    “If I swear to this, will
you tell me everything?”
    “Yes, but if you don’t, I
won’t say a word.”
    “Then I swear, I won’t
hurt him, now tell me.”
    Taking a deep breath, she
stared him directly in the eye.

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