A Wolf's Duty
filled her.
    “Tobias? What are you
talking about? What’s a mate?” Alex’s small voice broke the tense
silence as Tobias forced his body to calm its reactions before
turning his head to face her. His eyes were once again grey,
although flecks of amber were still visible, his fangs receded and
the claws that had threatened to erupt from his fingers ceased
their demands. He smiled at her, slightly concerned at the dazed
expression on her face.
    “Ryan, Sebastian, take her
out of here and then come back, we need to talk.” Lifting his head
once again, he quickly strode out of the room, fully expecting his
orders to be carried out and entered his bedroom, gently placing
Alex in the middle before coming to sit beside her.
    “You still haven’t told me
Tobias, what’s a mate?”
    “You’re a mate, dearest.
Mine. Don’t talk anymore, I’m just going to get something to clean
you up and then we can talk.” Standing up quickly, he headed to the
bathroom, returning with a damp cloth to wipe away at the
    Sitting up in the bed, she
smiled warmly at him as he returned, concerned at the frown on his
face. “Tobias what’s the matter?”
    Moving onto the bed, he
remained silent as he carefully wiped away at the blood at her
throat, struggling to stay in control while his wolf was howling
for him to spill Lucinda's in retribution. “Care to tell me what
    She winced as she
remembered what had started this train of events, the whispers
coming back in force. “It’s kind of hard to explain.”
    “Try me. I think you’ll
find that I’m not all that hard to talk to.”
    “You probably won’t
believe me; I’m having problems believing it myself.”
    “Just tell me the truth
Xandria. Start from the beginning.”
    “Don’t say anything
Tobias; just wait until I’m finished ok?”
    He smiled as he remembered
the conversation they had had on their first date where he had said
something very similar. “I swear I won’t say a word.”
    “Well it all started this
morning, I had a fight with Fred, my dad, my mum had left me some
money and he wasn’t happy about it. Anyway, so I was mad but I went
to uni anyway and Emily was there.” She sighed at the memory. “You
probably don’t remember her but she was there on Friday when you
came to meet me. We had a bit of a disagreement. She wanted my
bracelet and I didn’t want her to have it, so we had a fight. I was
already sore from that morning with Fred.” He opened his mouth to
speak but she silenced him with a look and continued her story.
“Then the bloody whispers came, God save me from the whispers. The
whispers are plants, from what I can tell, and they felt they
should take it upon themselves to help me. Good lord, if you saw
what they did to the building on campus… It looked like a
rainforest when I left. They attacked Emily but I told them to let
her go, I ran away. I ran back home and there was a man waiting for
me. He grabbed me from behind, put one hand over my mouth and a
knife over my throat.” She faltered as her body began to tremble,
the memories threatening to overwhelm her, a hand rising to her
healing throat.
    “I dealt with him,” Ryan
inserted, both him and Sebastian apparently finished escorting
Lucinda out. Her shaking increased as she remembered the large
wolf, which Ryan was capable of transforming into.
    “In front of her?” Tobias
    Ryan nodded, meeting
Tobias’ stare directly unashamed of what he had done. “She saw me
    “What on earth is wrong
with you? I told you under no circumstance were you to do that.
You’ve terrified her.”
    “I had no choice. I
couldn’t move in wolf form, she wouldn’t let me. She told me to
stay and every muscle in my body responded. I was trying to help
her and I couldn’t do that when I was a wolf.”
    “I suppose the whispers
weren’t just the plants then.”
    “You know what he
    She nodded. “He’s a wolf,
but that doesn’t change

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