A Twist of Fate
remained by his side. I had read so much about her, most of it
speculation as she never gave interviews. I wondered what kind of
woman was able to stay sane with the kind of madness the surrounded
    My phone buzzed
breaking my train of thought.
    I still can’t
believe you are representing POWER STATION, what an amazing turn of
events! I saw you on TV, you looked so beautiful. Do you have any
plans tonight? We should get together soon xx
    Seeing Emma’s
messages always made me smile. I had desperately wanted to see her
since our missed “date” she was a calming influence in my life and
if ever I needed one, now was the time.
    - Hey Emz, I can’t
tonight. Free tomorrow though. Miss you heaps xxx
    - Tomorrow then...
it’s a date! Miss you too xx
    I threw my
phone back into my handbag. Emma had taken the news well,
considering. I had given her the same spiel I’d given Kate about
running into them and offering assistance. She was so trusting she
never questioned me. “It was obviously meant to be” she had stated.
“Clearly you have a purpose with them, perhaps that is why we were
so drawn to them, and it’s all very exciting.”
    Matt on the
other hand was suspicious; as news of the accident came to light
and his knowledge of my bloody clothes he was putting the puzzle
    He had
confronted me yesterday when I got home. “I know it was you.”
difference does it make, I don’t want to talk about it” I fired
    “I just don’t
understand why you wouldn’t tell me, I’m not going to tell anyone.
I hardly know anyone in this town and I’m not about to alienate my
closest friend.” His words were filled with hurt.
    “Matt I’m
sorry, I have issues... you know this remember? I’m a little messed
up. I just have a hard time trusting people.” I tried to
    “Everyone needs
someone, Lexi... even you. Just... I don’t know... Maybe let me try
and be that person, ok?” Matt’s hurt subsided as I smiled
gratefully at him and squeezed his hand.
    The day passed
rather slowly. I had other clients to attend to who no longer held
my interest. My thoughts kept wandering and I was having difficulty
concentrating. I checked in on James to make sure his parents and
wife had arrived.
    - All good Lexi,
thanks. Dinner at 7pm? Hannah is excited to meet you
    - 7pm is fine. Excited
to meet Hannah.
    - I’ll send a driver;
that way you can have a drink if you want
    - I am more than
capable of driving myself, I have a car
    - Alex said to tell
you “that piece of shit does not qualify as a car” sorry, he made
me write that
    - Tell Alex to go fuck
    There was a
brief pause before I got another message from a number I didn’t
    - Any time, did you
want to watch? lol ... car will pick you up at 6:30pm, NO ARGUMENTS
- Alex x
    - I stared at the last
message, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my
    - FINE! But Beware
you’ve pissed me off!- Lexi
    - I like you pissed
    - That’s not very
    - Who said I was nice?
You must have me confused with someone else or perhaps you need to
work harder at your job; I insist you find this person who said I
was nice and I will sue the pants off of them
    - I’m working VERY
HARD thank you very much! You’re right, no one said you were nice -
my mistake
    - Yes you make a lot
of things VERY HARD hmmmmmmm let’s ponder that lol
    - I’m not wearing any
underwear, why don’t you ponder THAT
    - I revert back to my
previous statement, except I am no longer pondering
    - HAHAHA! Well I guess
this brings us to my original request then, perhaps you actually do
need to go “fuck” yourself
    - I’d rather you do
    - Well then, I guess
you’ll be waiting awhile. I have a lot of work to do. Seems SOMEONE
inferred I wasn’t doing enough work.
    - I’ll see you tonight
then... I promise to still be hard if you promise to still be
without panties
    - Good bye Alex... See
you tonight! Lexi xx
    - I’ll take your

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