A Snitch in the Snob Squad

A Snitch in the Snob Squad by Julie Anne Peters Page A

Book: A Snitch in the Snob Squad by Julie Anne Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Anne Peters
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be tall and thin and gorgeous. I already failed tall. Vanessa got those genes. And as for gorgeous, I
     can’t even get close with a glamour photo. Even Kevin said I looked better in my natural state. Which is why I really like
     him. Really really. I might even love him. For real
    Which is also why I refuse to believe that he had anything to do with the thefts at school. And if he did, which he didn’t,
     it was just a mistake and he put the money back
    But he didn’t do it. And neither did Max. But if she did, and I’m not saying she’s guilty, she would’ve put Ms. Milner’s money
     back, too. Or left the IOU
    I wish I’d have thought of an IOU. I bet Prairie gave some of the money back in the name of friendship for Max. Not that Max
     did it
    Oh, man. If I had another supersize Snickers bar I’d snarf it down right now. It’s all so depressing. I wish I knew the truth
     about my friends
    The next day at school Prairie pulled me aside before the bell and told me Kevin wanted to ask me something. My heart stopped.
    My first thought was, He’s going to ask for the necklace back. He wants to return it for the money.
    Prairie smiled and whispered, “Say yes.”
    I frowned. “To what?”
    She wiggled her eyebrows. “It’s a surprise.”
    Oh, goodie. Another surprise.
    Needless to say I couldn’t concentrate on daily oral language. Not that I ever could. Every so often, like six times a second,
     I sneaked a peek at Kevin. Whenever I caught him looking at me, he smiled. I melted.
    He could have the necklace back. He could have all my jewelry. Vanessa’s and Mom’s, too. I’d sell my soul for Kevin Rooney.
    It wasn’t until we were heading out to lunch recess that Kevin caught my arm and whispered, “Meet me out by the bleachers.”
     He sprinted off.
    For the first time ever, I didn’t run after him. I stalled around in the restroom, combing my hair and arguing in the mirror
     with my conscience. So what if he’s guilty? I reasoned. A lot of prison inmates get married. And look on the bright side.
     I’ll always know where he is at night.
    When I finally arrived at the field, Kevin was standing, scraping gravel around in a circle at his feet. He looked up and
     smiled. “Here.” He handed me a package.
    “Please.” I pushed it away. “No more presents.”
    “It’s just gum,” he said. “You want a hunk?”
    My cheeks seared. “Sure,” I said.
    “Hugh and I wanted to know if maybe you and me and him and Prairie could get together. You know, do something.”
    I unwrapped my Dubble Bubble and tossed it into my mouth. Highly illegal. Highly delicious. “Sure,” I said. “When?”
    Kevin blew a bubble and it popped. He sucked it in. “I was thinking Saturday night. We could rent a movie. Maybe order a pizza
     or something.”
    A memory flashed into focus. “Hugh’s favorite pizza is anchovy,” I said.
    Kevin looked like he was going to hurl. “Did I say pizza? I meant Chinese take-out.”
    I giggled.
    He smiled.
    “Sounds like fun,” I said. “What time?”
    “I don’t know. Seven?”
    “Seven it is.” Oh, brother, I sounded like Miss Manners.
    “I don’t live too far from you,” Kevin said. “Just a few blocks.” He told me his address. I pretended I didn’t already know
    “Hugh said his mom could pick you up on their way over, if that’s okay.”
    “Yeah, that’ll work,” I said.
    “Did you know he lives right next door to Prairie?” Kevin shook his head. “How lucky can you get?”
    Lucky as Lucky Charms, I almost said. Fortunately the bell cut off that retard remark.
    “Geez, already?” Kevin glanced at his watch. “Let me finish this, then I’ll walk you in.” With his right Reebok, he scraped
     something in the dirt.
    I focused on his feet. The circle he was scraping earlier wasn’t a circle. It was a heart. Inside the heart, he’d scraped
    In a futile effort to get my heart restarted, I swallowed my gum.

Chapter 18
    Dear Fantasy, Fun,

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