Only Pretend

Only Pretend by Nora Flite

Book: Only Pretend by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite
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Blinking, I saw him walk in front of me. He held something pink, the size of a small, fat carrot. I'd walked past sex toy shops, dared to glance in one as a teen.
    An anal plug.
    Leonide truly was perverse.
    But was I any better, my pussy and ass both flexing with my lust?
    He put it to my lips, ignored how I pulled away. “Get this soaked. It's going in that pretty ass of yours. It it's not lubed enough, that's your fault, Celeste.”
    Looking him in the eye, I parted my lips. The toy was rubbery, flavorless on my tongue. I slathered it, caught up in my torrent of arousal.
    “Fuck,” he breathed out. “Good girl.” He was at my eye-level, his dick fighting to shred through his pants. Just seeing it made me ache, it was a god-send to not be able to speak around the plug.
    Ripping it from me, Leonide didn't let me catch my breath. Bending across, covering me in his scent and shadow, he teased my rear with the tip of the toy. Up and down, he nudged a mere taste of inside of me. Each time he moved, he went a fraction deeper... only to remove it, the sounds lewd.
    He's breaking me. The realization was terrifying. How, how am I falling apart to this?
    The plug sank, spreading me wider than his finger had. “Do you want this?”
    My molars clenched. Fuck, I do. He was melting everything I was. “Mn...”
    “Tell me,” he growled, pushing the toy inside more. It left me hollow when he took it away, had me pushing my ass back, body itching. “Tell me to do it. Tell me you need it.”
    Sweat rolled down my spine. He knew I wanted it, my body was screaming it at him. “I can't... please don't ask—ah!” Fucking fuck! What am I fighting for again? “You already... you know what I want!”
    He reached between my thighs, felt the torrent of nectar flooding from my cunt. Poking the plug at my asshole, he turned it like a drill. “Of course I fucking know. I want you to say it. Admit it, Celeste.” It took effort to hear him over my panting. “Admit you're going to be a sweet little whore, for me... for anyone who has you.”
    That... I can't say that!
    He slid the biggest part of the object into me, my muscles throbbing around the width. “Oh, god!” I squealed.
    “Say it. Just say what's true.”
    What's true...
    “Tell me you need your ass filled.”
    My essence shattered. I didn't know what I was, who I was. Celeste, a slut, blonde or brunette or any fucking hair color? Nothing mattered anymore. Not when Leonide was there, making me question if gravity itself was even real.
    Wasn't it all just pretend?
    “Fuck me, please!” I sobbed, vibrating in my cuffs. “I need my ass filled, sir! Fuck, just—anything! I'll say it, whatever you want! Just fuck me, please please just—ahh!”
    Leonide had told me once, when I first met him, that he could be very kind. The way he buried that pink plug in my ass to the very base, I didn't imagine he could become any kinder.
    His palm came down, spanking me sharply. “Now thank me.”
    “Thank you, thank you thank you thank you!” I rambled, I begged; I pleaded and was sure I'd even perform tricks if he asked. I never imagined I'd break over something like this. My soul was tainted, black as sin.
    Black as his eyes.
    I want to cum, I want to finally cum.
    It had been so long since I'd had an orgasm—since he had given me one. Memories of Vegas, of being spread wide so he could eat my pussy until I was screaming, hit me full force. Without my armor, they rose from the deep like forgotten monsters.
    “Please let me cum, sir.” My urgency stomped my pride into the dust. “Anything, I'll do anything!”
    His mouth made a shape both dreadful and heavenly. “I know.”
    The teeth of his zipper shredded my composure. Into the candle light of that secret place, his engorged cock rose in his fist. The tip was glistening; all I wanted in life was to taste it.
    I moved for it, lips parted. Leonide seized my hair in a wad. “If you try to bite, even think about going at me with

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