A Little New Year's Romance

A Little New Year's Romance by Katie Ingersoll

Book: A Little New Year's Romance by Katie Ingersoll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Ingersoll
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A Little New Year’s Romance
    Allison couldn’t believe her ears. The boss had called a mandatory meeting of all employees, and here she was, sitting in the conference room being told that Elite Editing Services would no longer exist after today.
    Why was this happening to her now? How could he just close up shop and let everyone go with no notice? Besides, she’d been one of the most sought-after editors in the entire firm, but now the place was closing down forever.
    As if that wasn’t bad enough, Christmas was next week. Not that she celebrated such holidays, but it just didn’t seem right for this to be happening now.
    What was she gonna do about the rent for next month? Or the month after that? She really didn’t want to be hunting for work in the middle of winter. Not in New York City, of all places.
    “I want you all to know,” Mr. Flanders was saying, “that I did everything I could to keep this from happening—especially with the upcoming holidays. All options have been exhausted, and the simple fact is that I have no choices left.” His voice betrayed his emotions. “I don’t want this anymore than you do, but there’s nothing I can do now.”
    Oh great! Henry Flanders was going to cry any second. Well, tears weren’t what she wanted at the moment. She wanted— needed —a steady job, and now that was being taken away from her.
    What else was on her immediate horizon? Better yet, why was she being punished? What had she ever done to infuriate the Deity that her mother insisted on worshipping?
    “If anyone wants to leave early,” the boss droned on, “you’ll still be paid for working a full day. I chose today to go out of business so that I could give you each the bonus you deserve. Otherwise, if I’d kept us open until the end of the month, there wouldn’t be anything left. I know how difficult this is for each one of you, and I sincerely hope you know how hard it is for me, too.”
    He went on for a few more minutes, but Allison had ceased listening. She had other concerns to be worried about. By the time Flanders finished speaking, it was time for lunch. Without another word to the others, Allison packed her personal items from her desk, signed out for the last time, and left the office she’d come to love over the last few years.

    Why did she keep coming here to torture herself over something she couldn’t have? Allison had first seen the crystal angel in the Tiffany’s window two weeks ago. It had summoned her as she walked by with her mind on the most recent bad news. A bright twinkle of light was all it took to catch her eye and turn her head. The longing to own the angel with upward-reaching wings began that day.
    That was the day her boss told her he had to let her go. Three years as a copy editor flushed into the sewer because the firm was closing its doors for lack of incoming work. Seems all their clients found it cheaper to hire freelancers from the internet than to keep a respected editing house running.
    Oh well, that was just normal for her life, wasn’t it? As soon as she’d begin to think she’d finally get her head up above the curb and could climb up onto the sidewalk, something would happen to knock her back into the gutter.
    The angel, though, beckoned her to gaze at it, to desire it with all her heart, to stand there at rapt attention paying no heed to anything around her. She willingly complied, and every chance that came along, she’d stand there gawking at it.
    “What is this hold you have on me?” She hadn’t intended to say it aloud, but was glad she’d only whispered. “Why do I want you so desperately?”
    She knew the answers to those questions, but refused to acknowledge them. It hurt too much to go there, so she kept that file drawer closed and locked. No. She wasn’t going to say another prayer to a God who took her father away. Period. End of story.
    Her life was a mess, too, thanks to Him. Oh sure,

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