A Little Bit of Trouble

A Little Bit of Trouble by A. E. Murphy Page B

Book: A Little Bit of Trouble by A. E. Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. E. Murphy
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live? What if I end up homeless or have to grovel to my dad who already thinks I’m a failure. My gramps will be turning in his grave, this is his store. He loved this damn store. My mom… gah. And the men, if I fix my shop up, they might come back. They already smashed up my car.”
         “Wait… what?” I interrupt her rant. “What do you mean they smashed up your fucking car?” I always assumed she just didn’t have a vehicle.
         “It was over a month ago, it was smashed up with a crowbar or something, and then a brick was thrown through the upstairs window to my apartment. With a note attached. It said, tell Dana to call Daniel. I called the cops but they did nothing. Just like this time.”
         “I’ll help you babe, you’ve got me now,” I say softly. This isn’t what she wants to hear apparently.
         “I don’t need your damn help Lucas! I can make it on my own. I’ve always made it on my own!” she snarls angrily and prods me in the chest. “You can’t just barge in and start taking over!”
         “Why not?”
         “Because I don’t mean anything to you! You don’t even know me. The only reason you took me out for dinner is because you feel sorry for me. You’ll be gone as swiftly as you came.”
         “That’s not true.”
         “And because your bitch of an ex-wife used to bully me with Dana, you feel guilty.”
         “Don’t talk about her like that!” I get it, she’s angry. Stay calm Lucas.
         “Please! Why would a guy like you, want to spend time with a girl like me?”
         I look at her incredulously, “Are you serious right now?” Has she never looked at herself, or taken note of her amazing personality?
         “And even if you were, you aren’t my type…”
         “Here we go.”
         “What’s that supposed to mean?” her hands go to her hips as she scowls at me.
         I roll my eyes, “This is the part where you start insulting me, expecting it to actually hurt my feelings. Because you’re in a shitty mood and feeling vulnerable and somehow I’ve got under those layers of yours and you don’t like it because you’ve been hurt before and you’re worried I’m going to hurt you too. Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all before.” It’s every woman’s fucking story.
         “You… you pig!”
         “You’ve said that before princess,” I take a step closer to her, my own irritation showing. “And don’t call Crystal a bitch. She’s not here to defend herself.”
          “Oh, you’ll defend her… how chivalrous. What about when I needed defending?”
          “You didn’t exactly defend yourself!”
          “How could I? I was one person.”
          I narrow my eyes, “And what am I? Three people? God… you’re so… fucking annoying.”
         “If I’m so annoying then stop helping me!”
         “Or you could just stop being an annoying bitch, that could work too,” I say casually and lean back against the counter whilst rubbing my jaw. Why is she attacking me right now?
        “That’s it, I’m done,” she throws her hands up into the air and storms from the kitchen. “I’m done… done, and done. I’m leaving.”
          Ah shit. I follow her. “You aren’t leaving.”
         “I’m not staying here,” she screeches angrily and grabs her bag. I rip it from her hands and throw it to the ground a few feet away. “You’re acting like a creep. So I’m your hostage now?”
         “It’ s not safe for you there Loryn!”
         “I am no longer any of your business. Don’t contact me again. I’ll send you your money when I get my insurance payment.”
         I grab her arm and spin her back into my chest, she starts slapping at me hysterically and tries to push me away. So I do the only thing I can think of, I push her up against the wall which startles her into being still. Her eyes go

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