A Little Bit of Trouble

A Little Bit of Trouble by A. E. Murphy Page A

Book: A Little Bit of Trouble by A. E. Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. E. Murphy
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they acted like it was a normal robbery or something.” Corrupt cops. Go figure.
         Tears stream from her eyes, she wipes them away angrily, “Sorry. I feel like such an idiot.”
         “Stop it.” She stares into my eyes and nods a fraction. “Don’t apologize.” She nods again in response and smiles a little.
         “Is it weird that I trust you? Even though I don’t even know you.” I shrug. “Well, I’m sorry for being ignorant on our date.”
         I grin wickedly, “You could always make up for it.”
         She giggles a little and buries her face into the blanket, “Goodnight Lucas.”
         “Yeah,” I say softly and wrap my arms around her. Damn that feels good. “Goodnight.”
         I wake early, earlier than her. Calls need to be made, I want to know why the hell the cops left her without getting her proper care. I also want to know why they left her store in that fucking state. Maya answers sleepily after a few rings, I explain the situation. She already knows it. Apparently Loryn and Marie spoke in the car. She’s also going to call a few of her contacts today to get it resolved. I thank her profusely and hang up.
         After grabbing items from the refrigerator, I spread them out on the breakfast bar and get to work. So I’m not the best cook in the world, I can make a greasy breakfast without too much drama.
         The familiar hum of the pipes heating lets me know Loryn is up and most likely washing her face. I smile a little, it has been a long time since I had a woman alone in my apartment… a single woman I mean. Maya doesn’t count.
         “Morning,” she walks into the kitchen. Fuck me, she looks good in my clothes. “Do you have a phone I can use? I need to call my insurance company. Mine is back at the store.”
         I slide her the cordless and start filling up plates. She smiles gratefully when I place her breakfast in front of her.
         “It’s been a while since I had something so greasy,” she grins like a child on Christmas morning. Thank god for the little things. “This looks amazing.”
         “It’s nothing compared to Maya’s pancakes, they’re a constant demand when she’s around,” I take a bite of bacon. For once I actually cooked it to the desired crispiness. Score! “So, how is it you slep t through these men breaking into your shop?” Maybe I shouldn’t ask but this is one thought that I’m curious about.
         She shrugs, “On top of being a heavy sleeper, when the door to the apartment is closed as well as the door to the downstairs staff room, it’s completely sound proof. It’s the way stores are built with apartments above them.”
         Makes sense, “Well, you need to get an alarm installed. I’ve asked James to look into it. He knows a few people in that area. He’ll have you sorted.”
         She swallows her mouthful, sips on her OJ and shakes her head, no. “I can sort this myself. Thank you for all you’ve done… wait. Why exactly are you helping me? Is this to do with Dana?”
         I shrug, “Nope.”
         “So, why?”
         Yes Lucas… why? “Can’t you just accept it for what it is? A handsome hero coming to the damsels rescue? Why do you need details?”
         “Wow, handsome hero huh?” she laughs a little. “There’s really no mistaking you for a modest person.”
         I watch her face for a moment, I’m unsure why but something in her tone seems to hit an alarm in my head. I tug on a lock of her hair, “Are you ok?”
         “No, not really.” She shakes her head and her face falls. “I’m scared Lucas.”
         “What of?”
         “Mad men breaking into my store and threatening me. Dana’s stupid choices. The fact I no longer have a store, how am I going to pay the bills?” she starts pacing. What can I say to make her feel better? Nothing… absolutely nothing. “ I mean… how will I

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