A Human Element

A Human Element by Donna Galanti

Book: A Human Element by Donna Galanti Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Galanti
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    "So, what's wrong with that? I jet-set with the rich, see the world for free, and get paid for it. Not a bad gig and I have you to thank for it. Maybe I'm not like you."
    "You're definitely not like me, but it doesn't mean it can't be great for you too. And I'll tell you why. Because you're missing the big picture. It sounds corny, but love does make the world go 'round. You should stop running from it, and your past, and find it. Likini has changed my life."
    "Good for you. But how the hell am I supposed to have a relationship traveling all the time. And I can count on this hand the one-night stands I've had when I'm not traveling."
    "So, change your career. Give yourself a home base. You've been doing this for years now. You're smart, make a change."
    That hadn't occurred to Ben. He liked his job because he didn't have to make excuses to himself for why he couldn't settle down. He also didn't think about having a home to go to every night as well. It felt safe. Just like getting his bone smooched by hookers rather than a girlfriend had been safe, although it turned out not to be. He still ran from his past and he knew it. It hit him with clarity in an instant.
    "Likini knows my past and she's cool." Andy half-smiled at him. "Everyone has a past. It's your future you can change. You can't run forever."
    Ben nodded. The two friends sat in silence smoking and finishing their beers.
    "Just promise me you won't be heading down to NoHo while you're here." Andy joked to lighten the moment, and winked at him. "I don't want to be pulling your butt out of a jail cell. Some big Samoan might be sweet on your skinny ass and take a closer look when you're bending over to tie your shoe."
    Ben couldn't help laughing. If Andy only knew how close to the truth he came. "Yeah, no hookers for me anymore. It's just me and Rosie, all the way."
    "Dude, I'm telling you, get a regular woman. At least one you can keep on the back burner while you're traveling." He glanced toward the kitchen. "I found a real tiger in this one. She may act like a lady, but not behind closed doors!"
    Andy slapped the table and the talk moved on to lighter topics with funny stories at sea, wedding plans, and raunchy jokes. Ben needed it. Maybe he didn't have a home or a girl, but in a way Andy had become his home. For now it was enough.
    That night he dreamed. He stood at the lake on its shore. The stillness covered him in peaceful quiet. The moon shone high overhead painting the wave tops with gold that lapped at the water's edge. Something moved in the distance on the path leading around the lake. It was a girl. She walked toward him as if she knew him. Finally, she stood before him and smiled. He found himself smiling back.
    She took his hand and stared at him with her large, brown eyes. She looked so lovely. Her hand was warm in his, her touch sent waves of yearning through his body. She reached up on her toes and kissed him. He squeezed her hand and found himself kissing her back. Their tongues intertwined in a soft, embracing dance. He gave himself to her mouth, falling into her sweet wetness. She put her hand behind his neck and pulled him closer.
    "Ben, do you know what I am?" Her eyes held him in a trance.
    " Wha t you are? What do you mean?"
    "Come with me, I'll show you."
    He followed her as she led him down the path. Then he looked up. Something green shone in the sky. The meteorite. It would crush them. She was leading them toward the spot where it would crash.
    "No!" He pulled her with him to go back.
    "Come." Her large eyes drew him into her.
    "No, follow me," Ben urged. "Can't you see, it's coming!"
    "Come." She caressed his hand. "It's where I belong. We can belong together."
    "No!" He dropped her hand and ran. His legs pumped fast over the rocks and fallen logs on the path. He turned once. She still stood there under the moon. The green thing filled the sky behind her as it streaked toward them.
    She was smiling.

CHAPTER 11: 2001
    Laura woke

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