A Forbidden Taking

A Forbidden Taking by Kathi S. Barton

Book: A Forbidden Taking by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
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could feel the wall; it was tight and very hard. He suddenly knew
that it wasn’t her. She wasn’t blocking him, but someone else was. He looked at
her and frowned.
What did you find?”
was distracted by her breasts for a second and then when she smacked him, he
couldn’t think about anything but the small bounce they did when she moved. Leaning
forward Beau took her nipple into his mouth and suckled. Her moan and her fingers
wrapping in his hair had him moving up and then pressing her down into the
mattress again. He wanted her again. Now that he was over her he wanted nothing
more than to rock into her and come. The knock at the door made him snarl. Her
giggle didn’t help.
is there is going to be a dead man if the house is not falling down around us.
Speak,” he bellowed as he dipped again at her breast.
Aaron and while the house isn’t falling yet, it may soon. Come upstairs, the
both of you. We have things to discuss.” With another growl Beau moved to the
side of the bed and sat up.
think I hate the man.” And when Megan stood up and moved toward her clothes Beau
pulled her into his embrace, resting his head on her belly. “Yes, I could
gladly kill the man for interrupting us.”

    ~Chapter 12~
    Beau and
Megan came from the lower levels not long after Mac and Lizzy came into the
kitchen. Aaron loved his children and was excited about the new baby coming
into the house. He reached over and laid his hand over the mound that was
Sara’s belly. The child within kicked against his hand.
soon as Megan came through the door Mac turned to look at her. Aaron didn’t say
anything as his son got up and touched his hand to her chest. Aaron got up
quickly when Beau made to shove his son away.
He sees something we can’t,” Aaron whispered urgently. “Let him touch her, he
won’t hurt her.” Aaron pulled the large vampire back and held him while still
watching his son. “Mac is very good at his power. And he knows the rules of
mates. He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t need to.”
could feel the fury in Beau. It was strong and hot. Aaron had to commend the
man, he didn’t try to break free of Aaron, but let him hold him back.
is protected by someone. Someone…her maker. He protects her even in his death.”
Mac laid his hands on her head. “He blocks you from the one who would kill you.
A creature he has…it took his life. This creature took your maker’s life.”
who is the creature? Can you see him? What is he?” Mel shimmered into the room
and spoke softly to Mac.
was once a great man. He didn’t want to kill your maker, your friend.” Mac
looked at Megan as he answered Mel. “The creature told…Alfred that he didn’t
want to hurt you, that you were special and that Alfred would need to keep you
safe. He told Alfred how to protect you even from himself.”
looked over at Beau. Terror was evident in her eyes and the set of her mouth. But
she didn’t move, she didn’t brush Mac away as he studied her more.
you tell me where the creature has been? Did he tell Alfred how to…how to kill
him?” Megan asked as she put her hands over Mac’s.
Mac grinned. “He said the power is within you to set him free.”
adults adjourned to the living room after Mac and Lizzy were sent to bed. Aaron
looked at Megan who seemed to still be in shock. Aaron couldn’t blame her. He
was sort of worried himself.
creature, I think…he’s been in my head. I heard him, I guess you could say, the
night that I met you.” Megan pointed her finger at him. “I thought it was you,
Aaron, and that you were going to hurt me or something.”
moved to the fireplace and stood in front of it. “No. After I spoke with you I
only kept tabs on you. That’s how I knew that the man was in my realm. I
wouldn’t have bothered with him had I not felt your anger.”
thanks for that. I

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