A Forbidden Taking

A Forbidden Taking by Kathi S. Barton Page A

Book: A Forbidden Taking by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
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still don’t know why you butted in. I had it under control.”
Megan shifted on the couch when he came and sat down with her.
were asking him to kill you. I doubt that Beau would have been very pleased
with me had I let that happen. Besides, I doubt he would have killed you right
then. He wants you for something more. What, I don’t know, but I don’t think
your life with him would have been all that easy.”
stood up and began pacing the room. Beau watched her with a hunger that Aaron
could understand. He looked at his own mate and knew she could see it as well.
kid, Mac, he said that the power is within me to set him free. I don’t know
what he meant. Set who free? Was he talking about Alfred or this creature thing?”
cleared her throat. “I would think them both. Michael is the creature’s name. He
was a good man, and somewhere deep within the creature he still lives. At one
time he was a doctor; a healer I guess would be a better term. Sara said that
you are a doctor as well. It could be that he knew that from Alfred when he
killed him.”
didn’t look convinced. Aaron decided that now would be a good time to tell her
what she was, to give her a bit of a lesson in what she could do. He picked up
the knife he had laid on the end table earlier and handed it to Mel. He knew it
was the coward’s way to do it, but he didn’t want Beau to hurt him.
took one look at the knife and then smiled. The knife was sailing across the
room in a heartbeat. Beau was up and in front of Megan, but she shoved him
behind her, caught it, and held it up as a weapon. No one moved for several
seconds. Then Megan exploded.
the fuck! Are you nuts? You threw a knife at an unarmed woman?” They all looked
at Beau who was standing behind Megan and breathing hard. “Are you growling? Oh
grow up, I had it under control.”
man protects what is his. You will obey me when I push you behind me and not
try to protect me.” His voice was calm, even low, but no one doubted the anger
in it.
not yours. And the next time you say that I may have to hurt you. Go sit down,
you overgrown ox.” When Beau stood there without moving Megan walked away. “This
was a test, I’m guessing. You know, I don’t do well without cliff notes. The
next time you throw a knife at me,”—the blade went through the air and landed a
mere inch from Mel’s hand resting on the arm of the couch—“you should make sure
that I’m not as good with it as you are.”
burst out laughing. He couldn’t help it. It was the last thing he expected and
the most perfect. She wasn’t near as helpless or as defenseless as he had
thought. He got up, pulled the knife from the wood, and handed it back to
Megan. “You owe me for that. That was an expensive antique. But I’m glad to see
you can use it. Here.” Aaron handed her the knife, handle first. “Keep this.
You may need it. It’s silver.”
nodded and started pacing again. “I don’t know why I’m so special. There are
hundreds of doctors at the hospital. Why does he want me? I hadn’t even gotten
my results back when Alfred killed me so it couldn’t be because I was a doctor
could be because you are wolf, or at least part one. Somewhere in your lineage
there was a were. And you being a vampire too could be what makes your blood
stronger.” Mel moved as she spoke. “You also smell like Michael. I’m not sure
how, but I’ll figure that out too.”
wasn’t until Shamus shimmered in the room that Aaron understood. The baby. He
was still nursing and probably wanted his mother. Mel moved to the big chair
and turned her back to the room. Aaron looked over at Sara and smiled. He loved
it when Sara nursed. His cock leapt at the thought of her swollen breasts then
he realized he had missed a part of the conversation daydreaming.
wolf? I don’t think so. My parents are as normal as they come. They would be…my

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