A Colony on Mars

A Colony on Mars by Cliff Roehr Page A

Book: A Colony on Mars by Cliff Roehr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cliff Roehr
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musical groups. There was one that played pop music and another what was also country and western. Each of these groups had made at least one appearance at the Saturday night dance and all three bands had their own shows on a different night of the week on MARS-TV.
    All three bands played in the two mess hall dining rooms, rotating from one to the other. Almost everyone celebrated at one place or the other. They enjoyed the music, danced and generally had a good time they even counted down the last ten seconds of 2107 and everyone was kissing everyone else and someone shouted “This is January 1, 2108.”
    ___________ JANUARY 2108 _____________
    Still there was something missing, alcohol. Oh for sure there were a few that did not drink, and would not drink but very few. The Company had not hired anybody that was a recovering alcoholic or had ever had a drunk driving arrest. So many times on Mars the demography of the population raised it's ugly head. The strangest thing about living on this planet was the fact that there was no old people and no children and no babies and no one who did not speak good English. That had never been driven home more than at the new years celebration. Even though there were no alcoholics among the population more than ninety percent of them missed not having a drink on New Years eve. They had their ten second count down to usher in the new year, but some how it didn't seem the same.
    CHAPTER – Cupid at work JANUARY 2108
    So many people that had come to Mars as singles were now couples. Archy had started performing weddings although there was no place on Mars to obtain a marriage license and Archy was not an ordained clergyman. What the hell that is the closest they could get, so after the ceremony they just started living in sin, so what.
    Walter and Thelma took all this into consideration and decided to set up a court house to start issuing marriage licenses. Little did they realize at the time that within the year they would be issuing birth certificate's also. A walled enclosure was erected and a sign hung over the entrance that read Court House. One of the women on Walter's staff that did computer input was assigned to move her desk over to the court house and use the computer to print marriage licenses which Walter signed. As it turned out about half of those that Archy had married didn't even want a marriage license. This was the hot topic on talk radio for over a week.
    That evening Carla said to Tim, “I have been listening to talk radio, quite a lot, lately,” then she remarked to Tim, “How can folks get so excited over the most inane things on that talk radio station?” Tim thought for a moment then responded, “I think that all of us have just so much attention span to use up every day, here in these caverns there is really very little of any importance to spend our attention on. It is not possible for talk radio to not talk about anything, so they just pick the most interesting of all the uninteresting things they have to choose from and discuss that. It's like that movie we saw the other night where the guy was in solitary confinement and had nothing to spend his attention allotment on, then he spotted a roach in the corner of his cel and spent all his time watching the antics of that stupid roach, he would watch it for hours on end, remember”. “Well, no matter, I wil probably keep listening to talk radio, and even calling in on occasion.”
    Back to the matter of alcohol. Since The Company furnished them canned vegetables and since The Company didn't furnish liquor it only made sense to use what growing capacity that they had to produce their own alcohol. Rusty at MARS-TV held a discussion on the news and invited listeners to call in whether they wanted to sacrifice their fresh veggies for booze or not. The call ins were about fifteen to one in favor of booze. So as each veggie crop was harvested the crop was replaced with corn. A couple guys who worked construction were

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