7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1)

7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1) by KD Jones

Book: 7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
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Besides, she’s not going to hunt demons, not demi-demons.”
    “You think she’ll care about the difference? Those Arkangels don’t care. They want to destroy anyone with demon blood, which includes you.”
    “Good thing I’m her friend then.”
    “Why do you care about that bitch?”
    “She’s mine. Mine to care for, mine to protect, and I won’t let you or the angels hurt her.” Ari drew a hunting knife with silver blade that he’d dipped in holy water earlier that day and approached Drew cautiously. He would keep her safe, no matter what.
    “Are you that delusional? She has angel blood in her. That angel blood will repel you.”
    “That’s for me and her to work out.”
    Instead of fear on Drey’s face, he saw a smile appear. “You think yourself so clever, don’t you, Ari?”
    Something was different. Drey wasn’t worried; he looked happy. Ari felt a stab of panic. “What did you do?”
    Drey raised his arm. “Take this off.”
    “Why would I do that?” He slowly made his way over to the window. He just needed to see Cass, to make sure she was okay.
    “You think I didn’t have friends I could call?”
    A scream had Ari bounding forward, looking down into the alley. He saw two demons appear on either side of Cass. They took her arms and held her between them, struggling.
    “Let her go!” He turned to glare at Drey.
    “My friends will, once I have this off of me. You know what you have to do.”
    Ari growled. He had no choice. He moved forward and used the hunting knife to slice his palm, then approached Drey and took hold of the bracelet. He heard it snap open and the bracelet fell to the floor. Drey kicked it to the other side of the room.
    “I should kill you myself for putting that on me, but I don’t have time. I have a portal to get to.”
    Ari was hit in the back of his head and he fell to his knees. “Fuck!” He hadn’t even seen that there was another demon in the room.
    “What do you want me to do with him, Drey?”
    “Kill him. I’m taking the Child of Light through the park portal.”
    “I want to come too.”
    “Then you better hurry.” Drey went to the window and leaped out to the alley below.
    Ari still had the hunting knife in his hand. He gripped the handle. No way would he let anyone take Cass to the inner circles. He would die first.
    Cass was standing in the alley alone and frustrated that she couldn’t be with Ari. What if he got hurt? She was supposed to be this prophesied demon hunter, but she felt useless and powerless.
    She paced back and forth until she ran into something—or someone. She looked up, and a tall man was suddenly there, his eyes glowing red. A demon! She turned to run, but another one just appeared. They took her arms and held her still. She screamed, hoping to warn Ari. “Ari!”
    “This is the Child of Light?” The demon with red hair frowned, looking at her.
    “That’s what Drey claims. I don’t really know, and I don’t really care. We’ll help him take her through the portal, and if she is who he claims she is, we’ll all be welcomed into the inner circles.”
    “I say we leave without Drey.”
    “He’s got our money.”
    Cass was listening to all this. Evidently demons were available for hire. Who knew? Her biggest concern was what was happening with Ari.
    “Finally, you took long enough,” the red-haired demon called.
    She turned to see Drey walking towards them. He was bracelet-free and his wounds were already healing. “Get ready. We need to leave for the portal before—”
    The red-haired demon holding Cass’s left arm was suddenly yanked up into the air. She glanced up and saw white wings. Michael.
    “Get her, we’re leaving now!” Drey started to run down the alley toward a dark SUV.
    Cass tried to fight the demon holding her, but he hit her in the back of the head making her dazed and weak. When he opened the back of the SUV he took out some rope and tied her hands behind her back. He tossed her in the

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