Jack Kursed
a couple jogging to move
out of earshot before speaking.
    "What can I say? I'm
    She nodded. "Imagine my surprise when
I saw your name and picture popping up on the Internet."
    "I tried my best to avoid those
fifteen minutes, but the Internet is a damn monster these days.
Speaking of showing up on the Internet, you want to tell me what
you were doing running around Baltimore with a bunch of vampires at
Camden Yards?"
    Victoria glanced at him.
"You saw that?"
    "Oh yeah, the
whole terror thing. The government really stepped up on that
    She was quiet. There was
so much to tell him. The vampire virus that nearly overtook
Baltimore, the cover-up that followed, her new supernatural
friends. If it weren’t for Alex Teague, the half-demon, and the
ghost of her old cop friend, William, they might not be sitting in
the park having a conversation. Cell phone videos of the vampire
attack at Baltimore popped up all over You Tube for a while before
mysteriously disappearing, and Victoria was in a few of
    So much had happened in her life in
the past year and a half. It would be fun catching Jack
    "I’m not sure I want to
know," he said.
    "Believe me, it was
definitely a...unique experience."
    He laughed, and tossed his trash in
the bin next to him.
    "You want to catch a
movie?" he asked. "I don’t exactly run with a lot of plans these
    "That’s a great idea," she
said, her lip curling into a smile. "Maybe there’s a Chaplin movie
    "Yeah. I’ll try not to
beat up anyone in front of us this time."

    It was nearly eleven
o ’clock at night when Victoria parked in
front of Jack’s house. She shook her head as the pair headed toward
the front door.
    "I can’t believe you," she
    "Hey, the guy wouldn’t
stop talking during the movie."
    "So you dump popcorn on
    "He shut up after that,
didn’t he? At least I didn’t knock him out."
    "Yeah, I guess I should be
proud of you. I’m amazed you got through dinner without causing a
    "Are you kidding me? I’m
not the one who sank my fangs into our waiter in full view of an
entire restaurant."
    "And no one even noticed, did they?
Subtlety, Jack. You should get a dictionary."
    "I did, once. I didn’t
like all the words, so I set it on fire."
    She laughed as he unlocked the door
and held it open for her.
    "Anyway, never do that
again," he said. "That guy’s erection was two feet away from me.
Not a cool feeling at all."
    "I can’t help it how
aroused mortals get during a feeding. Anyway, that was your fault.
We go to a restaurant surrounded by people eating. Of course I’m
gonna get thirsty."
    "Well, next time ask for a waitress.
If that was a woman, that might have been hot."
    "You pervert."
    Jack turned on the TV as
he stepped into the living room, for background noise. He was
accustomed to spending every single day alone. Victoria visiting
was a welcome change. It took a hundred years, but he was glad they
reconciled. He knew she wasn’t in Parkville just to see him, but
would enjoy her company as long as he could.
    "How about this past century?"
Victoria said as she sat at the breakfast bar. "Landing on the
moon. Computers. Fashion getting more revealing."
    Jack poured himself a glass of
    "I'm all over the revealing fashion
thing. I see you've taken to it quite nicely."
    She batted her eyes playfully and
tilted her chin. "Why, thank you."
    "To be honest, with all
this technology everywhere, I thought us monsters would be public
news by now."
    "You sound like my friend, Alex. You'd
like him. Great guy, but always paranoid about being caught flying
around on camera."
    She laughed. "It's a long story. Let's
just say you're not the only unique supernatural thing out
    He smiled and gestured to
the back door. "I want to show you something."
    They stepped out on the
back porch. He had turned the entire backyard into one huge
vegetable garden. Victoria laughed and admired his work. Nothing

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