7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1)

7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1) by KD Jones Page B

Book: 7even Circles: Moon Is Calling (7even Circles Series Book 1) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
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him. The demon moved backward slowly, and the stick was stuck there. He ripped it from his flesh.
    “I’m going to throw up.”
    “You will die, bitch!” The demon was pissed, to say the least. He took two steps, and then froze, looking down at his chest.
    She followed his line of sight and saw a steel point poking through his chest where his heart was located. Then the blade retreated. The demon clutched at his chest as he fell to his knees. Right before her eyes the demon disintegrated into nothing. After the small cloud of demon dust faded she saw Father Raphael standing there looking at her.
    “Father, what are you doing here?”
    “I can still kick demon ass.”
    She gasped in shock. “Father!”
    He just shrugged, brandishing his sword. She tilted her head. “Did you bring something I could use?”
    He gave her a wink and pulled something off his shoulder. She smiled at him. “My bow and arrow! I could kiss you!”
    “Please, my dear—even an old priest can be tempted.”
    She took the bow and nocked an arrow. It felt right in her hands, like putting on a pair of gloves.
    “Now, just keep your distance and aim for the heart. A demon can only be killed two ways: silver through the heart or decapitation.”
    She shivered at the thought. “I don’t plan to get that close.” She looked up to see another demon coming their way. “Look out, Father!” She raised the bow without thinking twice and let off an arrow. It struck the demon dead-center in the heart. He was ash before he hit the ground.
    “Well done, Cassandra,” Father Raphael praised her.
    She smiled for a moment, then frowned. “Congratulate me later. We’ve got demon ass to kick.”
    They both turned to face the fight. There were four more demons coming through the portal. Cass planted her feet and took aim. One demon went down but she missed his heart. She had to scramble to get another arrow ready. The demon moved closer to her, and she let the arrow fly true. He turned to dust, but another demon was right behind him, almost on top of her.
    “Not today, demon!” Father Raphael yelled out, swinging his sword at the demon’s legs and making him fall. She took the opportunity to move back far enough to aim an arrow and shoot him in the heart.
    She looked up just in time to jump out of the way of a fireball that was thrown her way. She glared over at Father Raphael. “You didn’t say they could throw fucking fireballs! I get a bow and arrow and run real fast while glowing, and they get to throw massive balls of fire? How is that even fair?”
    Father Raphael helped her up and they moved to stand partially behind a few trees to give them cover. “Stay here and fire your arrows.” He turned to leave, but she reached for his arm and halted him.
    “Wait, where are you going?”
    “To help my fellow Arkangel defeat these monsters.”
    “You can help more by staying covered here and shooting the demons from a distance.”
    “Father, more demons are coming through the portal!” She pointed to the swirling circle.
    “We need to close it.”
    “A demon’s blood opens the portal, an angel’s blood can close it.”
    “You don’t mean that you’re going to get close to that thing?”
    “I have to. You’re not trained, and we’re not sure if your blood is strong enough to close it anyway. Michael is battling several demons, and your half-demon is busy too. I’m the only one that can do it.”
    Cass knew he was right, but she hated sending him by himself. She looked down at her bow. “I’ll give you as much coverage as I can.”
    He squeezed her shoulder, and she felt calm and reassured. “You will do fine, my dear. Let your inner self take over a little, but always maintain control. You have demon blood coursing through your veins and if your power goes unchecked, it would be very bad.”
    How much worse could it be? She watched as Father Raphael made his way slowly across the field. There was less cover the

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