You’re Invited Too

You’re Invited Too by Jen Malone and Gail Nall

Book: You’re Invited Too by Jen Malone and Gail Nall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Malone and Gail Nall
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dark out!” Now Becca’s voice is getting whiny. I love the girl to pieces, but it’s hard not to get annoyed when she whines. It’s not like leaving is my choice. At all.
    Lauren peers out Becca’s window. “It is pretty pitch-black out there, Sades.”
    I know. I know all of these things. But I still have to go when duty calls. Isn’t that what being president is all about? Now I get why Dad used to say you couldn’t pay him enough to run for mayor. Responsibility kinda stinks.
    Vi grabs her sweatshirt with one hand and my arm with the other. “We’ll be fine. We’ll stick together. Besides, it’s Sandpiper Beach. What’s gonna happen?”
    Lauren lets Becca’s curtain fall back in front of the window and sighs a big, deep sigh. “A one-point-oh-three-percent crime rate is still not zero. It’ll be way faster and safer if I drive you there, Sades. Her house has to be a half mile away.”
    The three of us stare at her with our jaws thisclose to the floor. Vi finds her voice first. “But, Lo, you aren’t allowed to drive anyone in your golf cart. Wouldn’t your parents kill you?”
    Becca smiles sweetly. “They didn’t find out when Lauren gave me a ride this summer.”
    Vi and I jerk our heads to Lauren. “For real?” I ask.
    Lauren shrugs and studies the carpet. “It was just one time. Before the Scottish party. She needed to buy too much stuff to carry in her bike basket.”
    Becca laughs. “And it was totally awesome. The wind in our hair. The pavement under our wheels. The boys staring at us as we breezed past. I’m totes cut out for convertible living.”
    Lauren balls up her sweater and lobs it at Becca before saying, “I’m one hundred percent committed to my schedule, and this party is my fun time. So if we have to answer Miss Worthington’s annoying call, the least we can do is have a blast getting there and back, right? Besides, the faster we go, the faster we’re back.”
    â€œFabu!” says Becca. “Mani-pedis will be waiting. Hey, Vi, change out of those icky sweats and back into something fun. I’ll fill the tub so we can stick our feet in and soften our cuticles. Ooh, and if you don’t want that dress again, try these leggings. They have rhinestones!”
    Becca holds up the twinkling pants as Vi looks at me and Lauren with a Help me expression on her face. I can’t help but laugh. I can practically see the little thought bubble over her head that says Rhinestone leggings are So Not Vi! , but she laughs and plops down next to Becca on the bed.
    â€œDon’t leave me with Becs too long, y’all. By the time you get back, I’ll probably have orange streaks in my hair.”
    Becca whacks Vi over the head with a pillow. “You will not . Besides, you’re a summer, coloring-wise. I’d never recommend orange for you. Now, if you want a nice shade of rose, periwinkle, or sage, we should talk. . . .”
    Lauren and I duck out, leaving the other two to their sleepover fun. Halfway down the stairs, we can hear Becca’s mom chatting away on the phone. When we get to the bottom, I turn toward the kitchen to let Mrs. Elldridge know where we’re headed. We wait in the doorway, but she’s so involved in her conversation, she doesn’t even turn our way.
    Lauren tugs on my sleeve. “Come on, let’s just go. We’ll be back soon anyway. And Becca and Vi can tell her where we’ve gone.”
    I raise my eyebrows. “Who are you and what happened to Lauren?” She’s probably the last person I’d ever think of bending the rules.
    She gives me a nervous smile. “I’m supposed to be having fun between the hours of five and eleven thirty tonight. At exactly eleven thirty, my phone will beep to remind me to go to sleep. So let’s make the most of it, okay? If we hang around here

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