Polar Bared
villain way.
    The gunshot echoed, but at least by shooting, he kept blood off his hands. He did so hate having to explain the stains when he went into town.
    And to town they’d have to go if he wanted more answers.
    Even though he’d eliminated this set of killers, Gene couldn’t return Vicky to the camp, not without knowing if more of them hid in plain sight waiting for their chance to net half a mill. He also couldn’t just stick her on a plane for home, wherever that might be. If these idiots were willing to brave the arctic for cash, then Pima wouldn’t stand a chance in the city. Not with that kind of payout up for grabs.
    Five hundred K. A staggering amount for anyone, but not a temptation to Gene. Gene didn’t kill for money. When he took a life, it was to benefit one person only. Him. Him and his vengeance. Him and his need for violence. And now his need to protect.
    Blech. Damned woman was proving more and more troublesome. A smart bear would dump her unconscious ass now and go his merry way. However, Gene needed only one look at her sleeping features, with her luscious lips slightly parted, her glasses askew to know he couldn’t abandon her.
    She’d die without his help, and for some reason, that bothered him.
    Oh please don’t tell me I’m growing a conscience. He’d thought himself rid of that along with his morals, but apparently like a tenacious weed, it was trying to grow back.
    He’d allow it, for now, but if it got in his way, watch out, because he would shed blood if he needed to rid himself of anything that might make him weak.
    Even a cute little human.
    Okay, maybe not his Pima, but only because there was no honor or challenge in killing a woman.
    However, if he wasn’t dumping or killing her, what was his next move?
    I need to see what’s happening in this so-called forum that’s contracting hits and get to the bottom of who wants her dead. Then Gene could do what he did best. Kill something.
    He straddled the snowmobile and gunned it. Next stop, a little town on the Alaskan border where he kept another stash in a hidey-hole. Once there, he could decide his next move.

Chapter Fourteen
    The icy plain stretched in a never-ending white sheet. Nowhere to hide. No succor in sight. Nothing to protect her from the polar bear chasing her.
    Chest heaving, legs burning, and fear keeping her upright, Vicky ran as fast as she could, knowing that if she stopped, the bear would get her.
    She made a mistake. One almost every person being chased makes. She peered over her shoulder to gauge how far behind her the beast was.
    Not far enough. Her curiosity cost her.
    It shouldn’t have surprised her when her feet tangled and she fell forward. At least she knew well enough by now to thrust her hands in front of her to absorb most of the impact, instead of letting her face bear the brunt. However, an unblemished visage wouldn’t help her given she’d lost any lead or chance of escaping the deadly predator intent on having her.
    Rolling to her back, she couldn’t help but scrabble backward, panting in fright as the massive polar bear, with the vivid blue gaze, lumbered toward her.
    His muzzle pulled back in a snarl.
    His gaze, cold and hungry.
    She shut her eyes and whimpered, praying for sweet oblivion so she wouldn’t have to meet her demise. Why can’t I faint? Now of all times the skill failed her.
    Eyes shut tight, she didn’t see the bear catch up to her, but she could swear she felt its shadow cover her. Despite her terror, she couldn’t help but peek, and then gasp.
    The slavering maw of a polar bear wasn’t what she saw but the cynical gaze of a man. A naked man.
    “You expected someone else?”
    “But the bear…Where did he go?”
    And with those puzzling words, he lowered his head and—
    Thump . Vicky roused to the lulling rumble of a snowmobile and a knock to the head as she hit the side of the sled. Ouch. She took a moment to blink in the darkness, a

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