Yamada Monogatori: The Emperor in Shadow

Yamada Monogatori: The Emperor in Shadow by Richard Parks

Book: Yamada Monogatori: The Emperor in Shadow by Richard Parks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Parks
Tags: Fantasy, Novel
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chance to test it these last three years. Indeed, I didn’t think I’d ever need to try it at all. I’m sorry to say I might be wrong. Listen!”
    I did. There was a very faint and intermittent sound coming from further down the corridor. “It sounds like an animal whine.”
    “I hope it is indeed an animal,” Kenji said. “Let’s go.”
    We had only taken a few steps when Kenji stopped again. “Do you feel that?”
    I did. The atmosphere in the corridor suddenly seemed thick and the light dimmer, even though I knew the sun was still above the horizon. “There’s something ahead. Something powerful.”
    “I think you should draw your dagger,” he said. “I’m counting on you to use it if need be.”
    “Fine, but don’t tell Morofusa.”
    “No need.”
    I almost jumped out of my sandals. Morofusa stood behind us looking grim, and I swear I had heard nothing.
    “By all the gods, Morofusa—I’ve known ghosts that didn’t move as quietly as you.”
    He sighed. “You promised, Lord Yamada.”
    “I did. To not wander off, and I have not done so—we are still within the scope of your guards. To not risk myself unnecessarily, but I believe, for the safety of Princess Tagako and all of us, this is necessary.”
    “A distinction possibly without a difference,” he said. “What are we hunting?”
    “As of yet we don’t know. Possibly nothing, but I would not depend on that. Let us go on,” Kenji said.
    Morofusa followed us, and I had to admit that, once I had gotten over my initial shock, I was glad he had found me. Two blades would definitely be better than one, if something as dangerous as I feared really was waiting for us.
    “Speaking of hunting, Morofusa-san, may I see your dagger?” Kenji asked.
    After a brief hesitation, Morofusa turned his own kodachi over to Kenji, who gave it the same blessing he had given mine. “Just in case,” he said, returning the blade. Morofusa handled it as if he were afraid it would burst into flame at any moment. I barely hid a smile, but only just. We resumed our progress down the corridor. Ahead we saw a patch of light, and then immediately heard a low growl.
    “That sounded a bit like a dog,” Kenji said. “Wouldn’t you agree, Lord Yamada?”
    I sighed. “Exactly like a dog. So far, fortune has not smiled upon us. Morofusa-san, please draw your kodachi  . . . and don’t worry. It won’t bite you. I can’t say the same for what lies ahead.”
    “Gentlemen, I personally checked the outside of this walkway not very long ago. This opens into a small pavilion, and there was nothing there.”
    “There is now,” Kenji said. “I hope I’m wrong about what it is.”
    “I don’t think you are,” I said. “Pity.”
    Morofusa stopped us. “As I said, that is an open pavilion ahead. If a creature of malice is there now, we won’t be able to cover its retreat, confined here as we are. It could easily elude us.”
    “What do you suggest?” I asked.
    “Yoshitsune and Hideki are posted to a gate near here. Let me fetch them to block the creature’s path to the hall before we try to confront it.”
    Morofusa’s plan showed good sense. “Do so, but hurry, else it will be on the move without waiting for us.”
    Instead of running back to the chamber where the corridor began, he simply found a sprung piece of framing on the wall itself and pushed his way through. In a very short time he had returned, hardly winded.
    “They will be ready,” he said. “And you are correct—I saw a shadow seated in the pavilion. I couldn’t tell what it was.”
    “Then let us hope I’ve selected the correct ward. Be on guard, both of you,” Kenji said, and we pushed forward into the pavilion.
    The creature sat there like a courtier taking in a breeze. It was wearing full court dress, including a very stylish boushi. The only thing out of place was that it had the head of a very large dog. Kenji held his staff in front of himself like a shield.
    “ Inugami! ”
    I had

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