Wrestling Desire

Wrestling Desire by Michelle Cary

Book: Wrestling Desire by Michelle Cary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Cary
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Chapter 1
    Where in the hell are they?  Emma Cruise looked at her watch and then checked her schedule for the third time.  She closed her eyes and tried to take a calming breath.  No matter how many times she stressed the need to be on time at least one person always managed to screw up the schedule.  Today’s offenders appeared the troublesome tag team Devious. 
    Why was it so difficult for people to follow the simplest of direction?  Her job, and her life for that matter, was difficult enough without people adding to her stress.  She opened her eyes and turned back to her work.  Days like today reminded her that while she wasn’t one of the Vixen wrestlers that didn’t mean she couldn’t feel the body-slams life sometimes handed out.
    “Emma, come quick.  You have to see this.” 
    She’d just started going over her to-do sheet, checking it against the latest updates from the production meeting, when Jill interrupted.  T emptation to wave off her younger assistant and continue working ended with the excitement in Jill’s voice.  She looked up and noted the grin on her assistant’s face.  Curiosity piqued , Emma set her clipboard aside. “What do I have to see?” 
    “You’re not going to believe it, but somebody put a ferret in the women’s locker room.”
    Both amused and aggravated in the span of a second, she glanced toward the ground as grin quickly swept across her face and she rubbed at the beginnings of a headache.  It was a headache most likely caused by a certain tag team who refused to keep themselves out of trouble.  “Are there cameras filming?”
    Jill gave a nod.  “One of the cameramen just happened to be coming back from catering when some of the women started screaming.  Now there’s this huge crowd surrounding the locker room and some of the crew work to catch the animal.”
    “Uh huh.” Emma let out a sig h and motioned for Jill to lead the way.  “Don’t you find it just a bit odd that the cameraman had his equipment with him while he was eating?”
    Jill gave Emma’s question a shrug.  “I didn’t really think about it.  Do you think this is a setup?”
    “I’d bet money on it.” No doubt this stunt was some promo being filmed for later use on the show, but someone failed to tell her anything about it . “ A nd I’m sure Holt and Garrett ha d something to do with this,” she mumbled as they neared the scene of the crime. 
    The three-deep crowd roiled about the door, fighting for a peek. Emma elbowed her way through the crush to get to the front . “Excuse me, management coming through.”  She stopped in the doorway in time to see a crew member with said rodent in hand and the Extreme Ultimate Wrestling’s General Manager Mark Campana examining the animal.   It took only a moment for everyone to spot the trademark devious smiley face painted on the side of the animal.  Mark’s expression changed from curiosity to rage.  “D-E-V-I-O-U-S!”   Yeah, they were definitely taping for the show and somehow she’d been left out of the informational loop.
    Frustrated with the interruption and intent on returning to her previous task, Emma shook her head and inched her way back through the crowd.  It wasn’t so much she minded the pranks.  They were all part of the storyline for the troublesome tag team and they kept life interesting, but the stunts threw a wrench in her scheduling. Having a head s -up prior to the event made a huge difference in keeping everything running smoothly. As b ack stage coordinator , her job title spanned several tasks which included keeping the backstage running smoothly at all times.  It wasn’t normally an easy task.  Throw in a curve ball like the one Devious just pitched and she’d spend the next hour trying to get things caught back up.
    She’d no sooner turned the corner when the tag team in question fell into step on either side of her.  “Hey Gorgeous,” Holt Hendricks dropped a large arm over her

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