Wolf's Bane

Wolf's Bane by Joe Dever Page A

Book: Wolf's Bane by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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seconds, you see four small windows which display a sequence of numbers. Beneath these windows are tiny buttons which, when pressed, change the numbers that are displayed. The third window in the sequence is blank and, when you concentrate upon it, your Kai senses reveal to you that by keying in the missing number in the sequence you will prevent the bomb from exploding.
    Study the following sequence of numbers carefully. When you think you know the solution, turn to the entry that is the same as your answer. 11

    If you guess incorrectly, or if you cannot determine the missing number, turn instead to 269 .
    [11] The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

    Your psychic powers prove very effective: the giant insect obeys your command not to attack. Yet, before it flies away, it sprays the stamen with a misty vapour which causes the petals to close up.
    Hurriedly you retreat along the stamen and narrowly avoid being crushed to death as the huge petals fold in on themselves. Your innate Kai Discipline of Animal Mastery has saved you from a confrontation with the giant insect, yet the creature has used its own innate abilities to thwart your chances of escaping from the plant this way. The vapour condenses and runs along the stamen, making it difficult for you to maintain your grip, and reluctantly you are forced to retreat all the way down to the bowl of the corolla, to where the hollow stem is now the only chance you have of getting out of this plant alive.
    Turn to 103 .

    Arrows splash into the mire, dangerously close. You sense that this volley was not aimed at you; it was let loose in the hope of hitting you by chance. Anxious to avoid a second volley, you increase your pace and sprint across the vault towards the exit tunnel.
    Turn to 70 .

    Your advanced psychic defences save you from sustaining severe damage to the fabric of your mind. However, the surprise assault on your mental defences has bought this castle guardian the precious few seconds he needs in which to advance upon you. As the pain in your head recedes, you see the armoured warrior striding towards you with his sword raised high, poised ready to deal you a mighty blow.
    Meghanic: COMBAT SKILL  48    ENDURANCE  48
    This being is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.
    If you win the combat, turn to 338 .

    Looking around the walls of this tomb brings back memories of the time that you ventured into the Graveyard of the Ancients. The shape of the urns which stand here are identical to those that you discovered by chance in the tombs beneath that forbidden burial ground. The recollection chills you, for clearly you recall that those urns contained deadly Crypt Spawn. 12
    You focus your Sixth Sense on the urns that line this chamber and, to your relief, you detect no living creatures lurking within. You instruct the others to examine them with care and, to your surprise, they discover that some contain Laumspur leaves. They are spotted with age but they still possess their healing powers. (There are enough leaves here for three Potions of Laumspur. Each potion counts as one Backpack Item and will restore 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed immediately after combat.)
    You are helping Blazer to tilt one of the urns when a sudden and unexpected noise at the far end of the chamber sets your pulse racing.
    Turn to 80 .
    [12] It is possible for Lone Wolf to have visited the Graveyard of the Ancients without encountering any Crypt Spawn.

    Kekataag the Avenger is attired in battle-armour that glimmers like slime-dulled gold. Beneath his helmet there is a hollow skull-face from which emerges a sickly stench that permeates even the foul air of this hall. The skulls and bones of humans bedeck his armoured hide and in his mighty hands he carries a great two-handed axe, its blade stained black with the blood of his countless victims.
    This fearsome warrior

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