Wolf Tales II
    Chapter 1
    The black Mercedes took the steep mountain road without effort. Alexandria Olanet struggled to keep her eyes open, but the journey had been long and difficult, emotions between her and the enigmatic man sitting beside her practically off the chart.
    He’d been silent the better part of the trip, an uncommunicative partner on a quest that would likely change both their lives at the most elemental of levels. She studied him -- sitting there next to her on the wide back seat -- through half-shuttered eyes, almost afraid to let herself consider what lay ahead.
    It was difficult enough to explain what had already transpired. When she’d called her office and informed her partners she was leaving on an extended sabbatical, there’d been very few questions. Of course, they thought she was still smarting over her failed engagement. Little did they know how thankful she was to have gotten out of a disaster in the making.
    Now, she wondered if she were about to enter another. Stefan Aragat was more than a mystery -- more than a man, for that matter. He stared out the window, one elegant hand resting beneath his chin, the long fingers and neatly trimmed nails supporting a face that was, for want of any other description, pure wolf. Grizzled muzzle, sharp canines, fur-tipped ears pointed forward, searing amber eyes… even though his body was tall and strong and almost completely human, beneath the tailored slacks and dark gray silk shirt was a coat of black fur tipped with silver and the strong, violent heart of the wolf.
    And, of course, a most amazing cock.
    Xandi almost laughed out loud. She would never grow tired of that amazing tool of his, all part and parcel of a package caught halfway between wolf and man. She’d fallen in love with a creature beyond anything her imagination might have created, a creature hell-bent on changing himself back to human.
    Would it be the same, making love to Stefan as a man? Merely thinking of the wolf taking her, of that amazing cock penetrating her, swelling inside her pussy and trapping them together in unbelievable orgasms, made her hot. Made her pussy weep and her muscles clench in frustrated need.
    What was wrong with her, she wondered, that she would desire the wolf as much as, if not more than, the man?
    Stefan stared blindly out the window, thinking of the man they were rushing to meet… and of the woman beside him. Xandi had been unusually quiet as they wound their long way up the mountain in the chauffeur-driven limo. Of course, so had he, though there was so much he wanted to say to her.
    She’d turned his life upside down over the past two weeks, ever since she’d literally stumbled into his world. Alexandria Olanet -- Xandi, of the sweet lips and even sweeter body, a woman as fascinated by his bestial qualities as she was by the man inside. How was she going to feel when he returned to his human form? Would she love him as much? Would her fascination and insatiable sexual appetite remain just as powerful after he found his humanity, or was it the wolf in him that excited her?
    Even more worrisome… what was she going to think of his darker side? The desire and passion even he didn’t understand? The needs he felt, even now, with a lovely woman close beside him.
    Desire linked to Anton.
    Stefan’s shoulders dipped and he closed his eyes. He would know the answers to all his questions once this long journey ended. He’d contacted the wizard, his mentor Anton Cheval, told him he was returning, but nothing more. He’d reached the wizard through a spell of his own making, using the amazing mental link he had with Anton… the same link he shared with Xandi.
    He still hadn’t admitted to the woman he loved that their ability to read one another’s minds wasn’t unique. Nor had he told her of the dark desire he felt for Anton. Of the dreams that awakened him night after night with his cock erect and his body wanting another man. Would she still love

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