Wolf In Shadow

Wolf In Shadow by David Gemmell

Book: Wolf In Shadow by David Gemmell Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gemmell
Ark, Mr Shannow. That is one of the surprises I have in store for you. Would you like to see Noah’s Ark?’

Stones of Power 3 - Wolf in Shadow
     Shannow could not sleep; his mind was full of pictures of Donna Taybard. He recalled her as he had first seen her, standing before her farmhouse with a crossbow in her hand, looking both defiant and delicate. And then at the dinner-table, sad and wistful. And he remembered her in the wide bed - her face flushed, her eyes bright, her body soft.
     Images of Curopet crept into his mind, blurring with Donna, and he groaned and rolled over.
     Dawn found him irritable and tired and he dressed swiftly, having first exercised with the leather ball. His left hand was stronger now, yet still a shadow of what it had been.
     The wind was chill and Shannow wished he had put on his leather top-coat, but he saw Karitas waiting for him by the rock pile.
     ’We will put this exhibition to good use,’ said Karitas. Tick up a good-sized rock with your left hand and carry it to the fiat ground yonder, about thirty paces.’ Shannow did as he was bid, and his arm was aching as he returned.
     ’Now take another,’ said Karitas. Six times he ordered Shannow to pick up rocks and then he told him to watch. The rocks were now in a line, each of them the size of a man’s fist. Karitas drew the Browning and cocked it, his arm levelled and the gun fired with a sharp crack. There was little smoke and one of the rocks splintered. On the ground by Karitas’ feet lay a brass shell, and the weapon in his hand was cocked and ready.
     ’Now you try, my dear fellow.’ He reversed the gun and handed it to Shannow. The balance was good, the weight nestling back into his palm rather than forward like the percussion pistols.
     He lined the weapon and squeezed the trigger and a spurt of dust leapt up a foot behind the rock. Shannow fired once more and the rock split apart. He was impressed, though he tried not to show it.
     ’My own pistols could duplicate the accuracy.’
     ’I don’t doubt it, but the Browning can be loaded with nine shells in less than ten seconds.’
     ’And you say the Hellborn have these?’
     ’No, thank God. They have revolvers, copies of the Adams and some Remington replicas. But their craftsmen have evolved the weapons; their level of technology is fairly high.’
     ’Well, they are a problem for another day,’ said Shannow. ‘But tell me of Noah’s Ark - or is that another joke?’
     ’Not at all. We will see it in the Spring, with the Guardians’ permission.’ ‘I will not be here in the Spring, Karitas.’ The old man moved forward and retrieved his pistol. He uncocked it and slid it back into his shoulder holster. ‘You are recovering well, but you are not yet strong enough to ride any distance. And there is something else you should know.’ Karitas’ voice was grave.
     ’What is it?’
     ’Let us go to your hut, and I will explain.’
     Once inside beside a warm fire, Karitas opened the leather pouch at his hip and produced a round stone which he passed to Shannow. Warm to the touch and gleaming softly gold in the firelight, it was veined with black streaks and highlighted by tiny specks of silver.
     ’It is a pretty piece,’ said Shannow. ‘But what do you have to tell me?’
     ’You are holding your life in your hand, Mr Shannow, for that is a healing Stone and on you it has worked a miracle.’
     ’I have heard of such. The Daniel Stone?’
     ’Indeed it is. But its significance to you is very great. You see, Mr Shannow, you are in fact dead. When Selah brought you to me your skull was smashed. I don’t know how you lived as long as you did. But the Stone held you . . . as it still holds you. If you travel out of its influence, you will die.’
     Shannow tossed the Stone to Karitas. ‘Dead? Then why does my heart beat? Why can I still think and speak?’
     ’Tell me, Mr Shannow, when you lay in the

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