With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two

With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two by Kristen Proby Page A

Book: With Me In Seattle: Bundle Two by Kristen Proby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Proby
settle my cock between her legs, nestled against her pussy but not sinking inside her yet. I brace myself on my elbows and drag my teeth up the side of her neck to her ear, relishing her strong hands gliding down my back to my ass and back up again.
    “Caleb,” she whispers, tilting her head to give me better access to her skin.
    “Yes, baby.”
    “Make love to me, okay?”
    The question is soft and sweet, and I pull back to look down at her, brushing small strands of hair off her cheeks with my thumbs.
    “In a minute,” I whisper and glide my hand to her perfect, round breast and palm it in my hand, rubbing my thumb over her nipple.
    She has great tits.
    My hand pushes down to her sweet, hot pussy to find her wet and her clit already swollen and ready for me.
    “You’re so wet, Legs.” Two fingers slip between her lips, and my cock twitches and throbs at the way she clenches around them. “Does fighting with me turn you on?”
    “Everything you do turns me on,” she replies as she pants and writhes beneath me.
    I grin against her neck and work my fingers fast, thumbing that clit. Jesus, there’s nothing like Brynna when she’s turned on. She’s so open and giving and so damn responsive.
    “Caleb. Ah babe, I’m gonna come.”
    “Do it,” I whisper and push my nose up her neck.
    “I want to come when you’re inside me.” She pouts with a groan.
    “Oh, trust me, Legs, you will.” She tilts her pelvis against my hand and bites her lip. “Let go, sweetheart.”
    And she does, moaning and hanging on to me tightly, riding out her orgasm. My hand is soaked as I pull it away and settle my throbbing cock against her again, slipping against her.
    “Make love to me, Caleb.”
    “Happily.” I grin at her, and when she smiles back at me, with complete trust and love shining in her eyes, it’s almost my undoing.
    I grip my cock in my fist and guide it inside her, slowly, inch by inch, groaning her name as I sink into her wet heat.
    “So fucking tight,” I murmur through gritted teeth. “I’ll never get enough of this, Bryn.”
    When I’m buried balls-deep, I tip my forehead to hers and brace myself here, seated inside her, surrounding her.
    Shielding her.
    Her pussy muscles squeeze and tug as she slowly circles her hips, and I can’t help it, I begin moving in and out furiously, glorying in the way those tight muscles tug on my cock, milking it in the best way possible.
    I push my hand between us and press my thumb against her hard clit, and she clamps down on me even more, making me see stars.
    “Ah baby, you keep gripping me like this and I’m gonna lose it.”
    “Do it, Caleb.” She pushes her hips faster, rocking and clenching, her hands kneading my ass, and I know it’s only a matter of seconds.
    “Come with me,” I whisper and kiss her, press my thumb against that nub even harder, and her legs spasm, hitch around my hips, opening her up to me even more, and I can’t hold it back any longer.
    I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out as the orgasm gathers in my balls and explodes out of me, inside of this gorgeous woman.
    Her hands grip my ass even tighter as she comes, pushing against me shamelessly and, to my utter shock, she bites my shoulder.
    That’s gonna leave a mark.
    I grin down at her as I pant, exhausted. I rub my nose against hers and then kiss her softly.
    “You amaze me,” I whisper.
    “Back at you, sailor,” she whispers back, her eyes still closed, making me chuckle.
    Somehow, I find the strength to reverse our positions, cradling her on top of me. She drifts into sleep quickly, breathing deeply, draped over me.
    This is where I lie for a long while, rhythmically combing my fingers through her long hair, listening to her breathe and the settling of the house.
    How did she and the girls come to mean so much to me in such a short time?
    And what am I going to do when it’s time to leave them?
    Fuck, just the thought of it hurts more than any wound I ever received

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