Reflecting Love's Charms (Bellingwood Book 14)

Reflecting Love's Charms (Bellingwood Book 14) by Diane Greenwood Muir

Book: Reflecting Love's Charms (Bellingwood Book 14) by Diane Greenwood Muir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Greenwood Muir
    Rebecca came into the living room. "You're really going to take me up on that?"
    "Why not?" Polly asked. "It's a beautiful day and I'm not a fan of you sitting in front of the television all afternoon."
    "We could work on our homework..." Rebecca's voice trailed off as she realized how hopeless that sounded.
    "I won't work you very hard," Polly said. "I promise. Just come with me."
    "Okay," Rebecca said with a sigh. She stuck her head back into the dining room. "I'll be back. If we’re really going, I'd better change my clothes."
    Polly chuckled as she sat down on the bed to put her shoes on. She made a quick call.
    "Hello there," Sylvie said. "Is my boy giving you trouble?"
    "Only a little bit. We're running over to your house so he can change clothes, then we're going over to the Bell House and work in the yard. I doubt that we'll be back by the time you get off work, so you should pick him up over there."
    "If I want him back, that is," Sylvie retorted. "Actually, I'm at home. I was going to call and see if you wanted me to take them off your hands for the afternoon. I'd rather pull weeds with you all. I'll bring his clothes and meet you. How does that sound?"
    "He’ll love that," Polly said with a laugh.
    "Is it evil and rotten that I think it’s hilarious?"
    "We'll just be evil and rotten together. I'll see you over there."
    Polly hung up and slipped the phone back in her pocket, then finished tying her shoes and went back out to the living room. Rebecca hadn't emerged yet - more than likely taking time to make sure that her sloppy clothes looked just perfect. The poor girl went back and forth between treating Andrew like a brother and a boyfriend. Polly and Henry never knew which Rebecca would show up.
    "Your mom is meeting us at Bell House," Polly called out. "She's bringing your clothes."
    "Noooo," Andrew whined. "Do I have to go?"
    "Yep. Now it's a full-blown plan in process. Gather up your things, because you'll go home with her after we're done."
    "And just when I thought I was going to have a relaxed afternoon," he muttered loud enough for her to hear.
    Rebecca came out of her room, dressed in a pair of shorts and a nice t-shirt.
    "You look nice," Polly said.
    "Thank you. I think it's always important to look nice."
    Polly chuckled. "Even when you're going to work in the dirt?"
    "Especially then. No reason to look like a slob."
    "I guess so. Are you ready?"
    "Can I take my sketchbook?"
    "You can put it in the truck, but I doubt that you'll have much time. We have lots of debris to haul."
    Rebecca ran back into her room and grabbed a bag. "Just in case."
    The dogs weren't any happier this time when Polly left, but she and the kids managed to get out and into the truck without too much trouble. She drove to the Bell House and pulled into the driveway, thankful that the team from the DCI was gone.
    "I want to look in the hole," Andrew said, jumping out of the truck.
    Rebecca followed him. Polly wanted to tell them to be careful, but stopped herself. They were always being told what to do and if there was one thing she knew about Rebecca; it was that the girl was careful.
    "Polly, this is cool!" Andrew yelled.
    "It's a hole," she replied.
    "But it had bones down there. It's like a room in the ground."
    "It is a room in the ground, you moron," Rebecca said.
    "But..." Andrew started, then said, "Never mind."
    Sylvie pulled in and Polly waited for her friend.
    "Your mom's here," she called back to Andrew.
    Sylvie walked around the truck with a plastic grocery bag filled with clothes. "Where is he?"
    Polly pointed. "He found the hole."
    "That's pretty cool, you know?" Sylvie said. "A hidden room with a tunnel. You just never know what you'll find in these old houses. I know Andrew hoped that there would be something awesome in our house. He spent weeks scouring every inch of the basement for a hidden room."
    They walked through the open breezeway to the other side of the garage.
    "Can I go down there?"

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